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- It seems the visibility or the appearance of the moon is delayed by about an 
hour every day. i.e. if you first see the moon say at 10pm, the next day it 
will appear say around 11pm and son on.- on the 15th Jan it appeared just 
before midnight but on the 16th night it appeared after midnight around 1am 
date being 17th Jan. Hence you see the 16th Jan day missing in the above 
chart/pic.- On 23rd it appeared around 6am and on 24th around 7am, it may have 
appeared on 25th around 8am but due to broad day light it was not visible.
Hi Mr JoeGoa,
Good work thanks for the trouble and the posting.
Firstly, is this not why Pope Gregory started the calender we are now following?
Is it not because of the slow movement of the moon that the Indians have the 
'Maha Ganga-dip Mela' every so many years?
Because, the moon has fallen back with the sun's movement and therefore one day 
has been lost, and that day has to be spent in worship?
Is that not why one day has been added to our Gregorian Calender every 4 years 
in Feb.?
Is that not why we have our four seasons?
Is that not why Moon is more important to us than the Sun?
Is that not why we should worship the moon and not the sun, (moon gives us 
seasons, sun burns it up, sun is evil)


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