Rajdeep  Sardesai  talking of Journalistic ethics !!!  What a joke ?  He is 
the antithesis of any ethics and morality.  His brazen hindu-hatred is evident 
in all the write-ups, news or whatever stuff he and his minions  put up in 
their crap of a channel CNN-IBN. 
After  2004  since  UPA Govt came in power  India  has been subjected to more 
than a dozen attacks of mass terror latest one being Mumbai fidayeen 26/11 
attack.  The Maoist violence have increased to two fold during this period.  
Also the  separatist violence in Assam has assumed  a dangerous proportions 
with the cross breeding of terror by ULFA, NDFB, HUJI and others manifested in 
the  serial blasts in major Indian cities.  This is  five  year period of 
extraordinary Internal strife, the nation  has suffered  from  dysfunctional  
Prime Ministership of Man Mohan Singh. In this five  year period   the UPA  
government  has went  in hibernation instead of tackling the Terror . There was 
the CPI-Mafioso who indulged  in rape in Singur and killing of protesting 
farmers in  Nandigram while the leaders in UPA  were busy in saving their 
Government  from threats of CPI-M withdrawing support to it over Nuclear deal 
with US. None of these
 facts really  mattered to the  sold out  English language media across India.  
They have carried on as if   there was no Terror  from above mentioned  outfits 
and there was no need for alarm  and  no reason to raise a hue and cry when the 
 UPA Government failed utterly to control the terror attacks.
But  one incidence  in Malegao, where one bomb exploded  and a few people died, 
was enough for  English language media and their patrons  in the Congress  
party   to completely let loose a  perspective  through Government machinery 
the  ATS  to whip up a politically motivated campaign based on lies and rumors 
to bash Hindu  orginisations and  Hindu saints  in a  meaningless phrases like 
“Hindu Terror”. 
UPA  Government and  English media  especially  CNN-IBN and  NDTV  should be 
held  guilty of completely  communalizing  the public debate on Terrorism and 
aiding and abetting a slander campaign with no responsibility towards facts or 
truth while ignoring the real security threat India was facing from the 
Islamist  Jehadis.
Rajdeep Sardesai  and his wife Sagarika Ghosh  particularly  have time and 
again crossed  that fine line  dividing between Journalistic Freedom and utter 
partisanship by  going overzealously overboard in reporting. The proof is their 
disgraceful conduct during the Gujarat Elections followed by  criminal 
conspiracy to absolve Manmohan Singh of the taint of Cash for Votes Scandal  in 
saving the fall of UPA  Government in no trust vote have  shamed  any 
journalistic ethics in pushing the Congress agenda.
It is time this vermin is shown his proper place.


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