I understand you have no house in Goa, that makes you a non-goan. Then how one explains, your 'months on end' stay? It also serves another purpose that you like to make a show of yourself Mr. X (do you have a name?), while thats another story altogether, I would be pleased to know the dates you've been their guest, so i can cross check to know if you are merely shooting in the dark.

So you say, since people will loose jobs, make illegal thing legal! & to understand this you have to stay at the hotel & experience. What is your logic, IF I MAY ASK ?

I hope you get a mouthfull from Samir to know more about goa and goans.

PS: Do go thru. the link below and then lets hear from you.


From: "Gulf International Promotions" <gipsp...@emirates.net.ae>
Well written Mohit.

What you say is true.  I too have stayed there on several occasions for
months on end. The hotel (leaving aside the owners) is an Icon oF Goa. It is owned by Goa and not by any foreign International Chain. The Hotel is equal to, if not better than, any International hotel Chain In Goa. The staff are fantastic and they definitely do not deserve to loose their jobs. One has to
visit and stay at the hotel to experience it and its staff before one sits
at the keyboard and rambles on and on.......by passing on he petition or
even suggesting it,  to tourists one is only showing how united Goans
are...disgracing our own folks.....if you don't like it maybe one should
move on....to another state ???

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