On Fri, 20 Mar 2009 15:21:03 +0530, Ashley Delaney <ashley...@gmail.com>
wrote on the subject:
Re: [Goanet] what have Saligao Youngsters and playground got to do with the
road Mr. Bonnie (full text deleted)

Hello Mr Cyril, Mr Bonnie, and my dear friend ASHLEY,

I apologize to young Ashley for not having sent in the Congratulatory
message on Thursday, 19 March, on the great efforts he is putting in as a
Convenor for taking up and fighting the social evils in Saligao. It takes
collossal commitment besides one's own work schedule and businesses. May
the best be with him and a lot of courage too.

I apologize to Col. Cyril for not having put down a word of appreciation
for his efforts highlighting and fighting social evils in Calangute /
Saligao, etc. May the best be with you too, Sir.

I failed to understand the message in Bonnie's post. Playground and the
by-pass road are two different issues and the issue in question here is the
"bypass road".

Bonnie, please try to understand the immediate need of paying our attention
according to priorities. It is not right for us to just punch keys on our
keyboards, pass judgements, issue instructions, accuse inactions, whereas
we, who want others to do the dirty work, are far away from Amchem Goa,
waiting at the slightest opportunity to bug and criticise our fellow Goans
who take up evils right there in Goa. They know the ground realities, they
know the time, effort, and commitment that is needed to go through daily
headaches and heartaches to see our Goa get back the place of pride of
remaining the "Rome of the East". Let us at least send in a word of
encouragement if we cannot do anything better from far or near. If we know
some kid going the wrong way, let us hold his or her hand and try to gently
bring back that child - personally. I have done this and know the time and
effort, and I know Bonnie, you too can. Internet correspondence won't help,
personal touch, personal presence, personal pain and personal supervision
is the need of the hour.

Being a Calangute resident, I know how Calangute, Saligao, Parra and Mapusa
looked like since my early days. The peace, tranquility, belonging, etc, is
now missing in many areas.

Let us keep on track, not divert from the relay we are running for a common

God Bless our Villages and our Goa.

Agnelo Fernandes
Calangute / Dubai

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