
 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
     of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
     http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
             references, some photographs and documents)


Selma, please excuse my mispelling your name.

>  Hi Selma,
> Some years ago a young Goan woman took it upon herself to pop a couple of
> pellets with a air-gun into the gluteus maximus of a "pioneering immigrant"
> who was basically part of a gang (employed or otherwise) stealing mud/sand
> from the banks of a river, which incidentally meandered adjacent to her
> family property (plantations of some sort)--eroding the banks. She had taken
> it upon herself to live in Goa to take care of the property. We are talking
> here of a very young woman. I forget where exactly it was but she is related
> to my wife Cecilia, and has the same last name.
> The police jumped up and down about this and basically created a lot of
> fear and tension (someone must have been getting paid), when they in the
> first place should have lauded her courage at attempting to clear
> trespassers off her family land. This was not the first time she had tried
> to thwart their attempts at daylight robbery. These guys were essentially
> pricks who were systematically eroding her property. I have always felt that
> in a place like Goa the police have to throw their books out and start
> afresh in dealing with who were always a law abiding people. Seriously the
> Goan police could have the best existence if they only cared to.
> venantius j pinto
>> From: Carvalho <elisabeth_...@yahoo.com>
>> Subject: Re: [Goanet] GOA: HJS targets Russian lady
> A few months back, a bike was stolen from my father's yard. When he went to
> report it to the police they told him lots of incidents like this happen
> every day, we really don't have time to follow-up on this. (del) Obviously
> our police (del), but don't have time to solve the real law and order
> problems in the state.
> (del)
> Selma

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