
 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
     of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
     http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
             references, some photographs and documents)


Please provide text by Gandhi refuting what two Christians have
said--Antonio Menezes and me. Do please provide. I would appreciate knowing
what Gandhi said. I am willing to be proved wrong and regard my "What
knowledge?" as faulty. Its is also very interesting to hear you say, "Once
again, I see some Christians trying to deflect attention from racism in the
Catholic Church, the subject of this thread, to some other person's alleged
transgressions - as if two wrongs make a right, even if true." It
is stupefying to be accused of deflecting "attention from racism in the
Catholic Church." Are you for real that you accused me? Have you read what I
have written in the past. Get a grip. And I have the ability to talk
directly with the Church and do. But all this is only to help you see things
and where people like me stand on certain issues--since this is a very base

Help us here. Just provide what Gandhi said. His words. Not some excerpt not
written by Gandhi himself.


From: Mario Goveia <mgov...@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: [Goanet]   Racism in the Catholic Church

Mario asks:

"To the best of my knowledge...?"  What knowledge?  Has Google and other
search engines been shut down?

Once again, I see some Christians trying to deflect attention from racism in
the Catholic Church, the subject of this thread, to some other person's
alleged transgressions - as if two wrongs make a right, even if true.

BTW, the man from Porbander, regardless of how he came upon his epiphany,
has been recognized around the world as a modern reincarnation of the
proposition that "Everyone is created equal." for which he was eventually

These insinuations against Mohandas Gandhi are despicable, not to mention

See also:



In September 1932, while in jail, Gandhi undertook a ?fast unto death? to
improve the status of the Hindu Untouchables. The British, by permitting the
Untouchables to be considered as a separate part of the Indian electorate,
were, according to Gandhi, countenancing an injustice. Although he was
himself a member of the Vaisya (merchant) caste, Gandhi was the great leader
of the movement in India dedicated to eradicating the unjust social and
economic aspects of the caste system.
[end of excerpts]

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