
 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
     of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
     http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
             references, some photographs and documents)


Interested goanetters may remember my appeal in December last year regarding
the preservation of Nairobi South cemetery where many of our Goan pioneers
were buried.   Following my introduction of some prominent Nairobi Goans to
my historian friend(Monty Brown,author & Fellow of the Royal Geographical
Society), I have now received some feedback.
The Goans who met Monty were unaware of the fact that over 170
Goans(including children) were buried in Nairobi South cemetery and, as a
result of their interest, they were able to meet at the cemetery last month,
and were shown the Goan burial areas. The idea, as I mentioned earlier, is
to have the place gazetted as a National Monument by the Museum of Kenya.
   Those interested in supporting this worthy project should contact:

                 Jack de Souza
   P.O. Box 49872, Nairobi 00100-Kenya
or by e-mail at:

I very much hope that Goans, especially those with East Africa connections,
will support this worthy cause, and towards this end would ask Goan
Associations worldwide to give this project publicity.
Thank you.

Mervyn Maciel


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