
 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
     of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
     http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
             references, some photographs and documents)


*To ,*
*The Editor*
*Herald *
*Panjim *

                                                     * Kindly publish as
letter to the Editor*
Dear Sir,

  This is with reference to todays' article in the Herald mentioning that a
new group called 'Friends of BJP' has been formed to provide an alternative
to the people. Who are these people trying to fool. Where were they all
these years and never once took up social issues or is it that all the
rascals who dont want to openly support the BJP are going to hide behind
this new formation like cowards.

   The electorate hopefully has come of age and with majority of the voters
being youth this time lets hope that sense will prevail and people cast
their votes for a secular government. BJP is desperately trying to break the
unity amongst secular parties and will go to any extent to see that they get
elected. Now they have tried a new stunt by forming this new outfit so as to
woo the undecided voters and cowards . Lets not forget the evil that took
over the country in the wake of the Babri Masjid demolition. Inflammatory
speeches by Advani and others led to the death of thousands of innocent
people during these riots and the subsequent Bomb Blasts. Lets not forget
the infamous Rath Yatras of Advani which left riots and destruction in their
wake wherever the rath yatras passed. Even places which had never witnessed
riots and people of different communities had lived peacefully were
disturbed by his inflammatory speeches. Lets not forget his hurtful and
insensitive comments after the death squads were unleashed by his Sangh
Parivar on the innocent Christians in Kandhmal ( Orissa) . If  Karnataka
which was once a very peaceful state has suddenly changed overnight into a
troubled state ( with reports of attacks on minorities the most recent being
in Bellary and Haveri ) with the coming of BJP it wont take this country
very long for it to turn into a communal hotbed . There are already stray
incidents of attacks coming in everyday. The Sangh Parivar outfits are
waiting to unleash their evil designs and will be empowered if BJP takes
over the centre.

I fervently appeal to the people of India for whom many of us have
sacrificed ourselves not to play into the hands of the BJP and be carried
away by their false propaganda. Lets  not waste our precious vote but lets
all  vote for the internal security and prosperity of the country otherwise
future generations will never forgive us and it will be too late to undo the

Please unite and do not give the BJP a chance for the sake of peace ,
prosperity and your childrens' future.

Thank you,

*Col. Cyril P.D'Souza ( Retd.)*
KHH Phase 11
Goa - 403516

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