Smitha's books released

PANJIM (HND): Two books authored by Ms Smitha Bhandare Kamat, titled, 
and 'Fullati Fulla', were released at the hands of Mrs Pallavi S Dempo, 
Vasantrao Dempo Education and Research Foundation.

Souldrops is a collection of select published poems in English, while Fullati 
is her second book of short stories in Konkani for pre-teens.

Pallavi Dempo appreciated the works of Smitha Kamat, and urged her and 
individuals to keep the ink of the literary pen flowing. She also stressed upon 
fact that books serve as one of the finest gifts that can be offered to society.

Naguesh Karmali reviewed both the books and concluded that the works encompass 
issues that touch, impact and heal the soul of the reader.

Bhaskar Naik highlighted how aptitude tests serve to identify potentials of 
youngsters so that they can be coaxed early in the right direction and not 
one's talents by trial and error.

Souldrops was sponsored by Vasantrao Dempo Education and Research Foundation 
Third Millennium published the same. Fullati Fulla was sponsored by Konkani 
and published by Jait Publication.

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