TOURISM: ‘‘Uganda Not Just About Idi Amin, Civil War and AIDS’’
By Wambi Michael

Mountain gorillas in Bwindi National Park, Uganda.

Credit: Wambi Michael/IPS
KAMPALA, Jun 2 (IPS) - Ugandans are unhappy with their tourism
authority as they believe that their country’s warm climate and
exceptional species, such as the mountain gorilla, should attract as
many tourists as neighbouring Kenya. To compound matters, the global
economic crisis has shrunk tourist arrivals from Europe.

Kenya and Tanzania have remained the major destinations for tourists
in East Africa. These countries, as well as Rwanda, advertise their
tourist attractions widely while Uganda’s tourism potential remains
unknown to the outside world, tour operators argue.

They have been critical of the country's performance at international
tourism exhibitions, saying it’s been underwhelming because of the
small annual budget of 180,000 dollars allocated to Tourism Uganda.

The tourism ministry in Uganda on average spends 500,000 dollars per
annum on marketing and promotions, compared with the Kenya Tourist
Board's 2,5 million dollars and the Tanzania Tourist Board's 1,5
million dollars.

The Uganda Tourism Association’s president, Amos Wekesa, told IPS that
‘‘Uganda’s tourism has big potential, being one of the top 10
countries in the world in terms of biodiversity. It means that we
should be one of the top 10 tourist destinations. But this can only
happen when the government of Uganda has made sure that the world
knows about Uganda.

‘‘The world doesn’t know the real Uganda. Those that know Uganda know
it because of Idi Amin, HIV and AIDS and war. But they don’t know, for
example, that the source of the Nile is in Uganda.’’

Wekesa, who owns lodges in some of Uganda’s national parks, explained
that, ‘‘when you talk about the source of the Nile everybody thinks
about Egypt. Egypt makes about seven billion dollars from tourism
annually. What are their top two attractions?

‘‘It is the Nile and the pyramids. What have we done with the Nile as
Uganda? Those are the issues.’’

Uganda hosts the nearly extinct mountain gorilla. Viewing these giant
primates for a mere one hour costs 500 dollars, Wekesa pointed out.
‘‘How many tomatoes growers can grow tomatoes to earn 500 dollars a
day? To see chimpanzees you pay 120 dollars. If we have just one
million people visiting these parks, jobs will be created,’’ he added.

The Uganda Tourism Board estimates that Uganda has more than 400 of
the world's remaining 700 mountain gorillas. The rest are in Rwanda
and the conflict-ridden Democratic Republic of Congo.

Tourism Uganda’s marketing and public relations manager Edwin Muzahura
told IPS that Uganda earned 475 million dollars last year without
proactive marketing or local and international advertisements. The
earnings were less than remittances from Ugandans living abroad.

Muzahura told IPS in an interview ‘‘Uganda has 10.2 percent of bird
species in the world. There are about 10,000 species of the birds
worldwide and Uganda has 1,056 bird species of birds while Africa as a
whole has 2,000 species of bird.

‘‘Americans alone are currently spending four billion dollars watching
birds. This means if Uganda went out and sought Americans who spend on
birds to earn only 10 percent of what the Americans spend, we will
have made four hundred million dollars.

‘‘Kibale National Park alone has the highest concentration of primates
on earth. It is the best place to see chimps in the world." The park
is in western Uganda and was created to protect an evergreen

Uganda faces challenges that put it at a disadvantaged position
compared to Kenya and Tanzania. Luke Febario, a regular tourist to
Uganda, complained about the poor road network in Uganda.

‘‘There are lots of things that need improvement if you want to aim at
international tourism. This week when I was touring with my elderly
parents, I realised that infrastructure is hampering tourism. My
parents are both in their eighties and they like travelling but
bumping up and down on some of Uganda’s roads makes them sick.

‘‘This week they decided to cut out some of the sites that I had put
in the programme because they get tired,’’ he said.

Besides, he said, promotion of Uganda at international level is
required because there is little understanding of what Uganda offers
as a tourist destination.

Kimbugwe Salongo, a proprietor of a lodge on Uganda’s Sese Island in
Lake Victoria, complained that Ugandans don’t tour in the local parks
and tourist sites. ‘‘That creates a big problem for us - especially
this time around when we have less foreign tourists because of the
economic problems in Europe.

‘‘I have already received 10 cancellations because of the problems in
Europe. We need to encourage Ugandans to tour here instead of going to
other countries.’’

Uganda’s national parks, combined, have less than 500 beds while
Kenya’s Masai Mara alone has more than 50 lodges. Two of the lodges
have more rooms than Uganda’s national parks combined.

Serapio Rukundo, Uganda’s tourism minister, admitted in an interview
with IPS that there exist challenges but insisted that they are being
addressed. He said the country has not given up and is ready to
compete with the region.

‘‘For example, we have slashed park entry fees by 50 percent as a way
to attract more tourists who are looking for cheaper destinations. We
have more investors putting up lodges in the parks,’’ he explained.

But the other countries in the region are also taking steps to
buttress themselves against the decline in tourist number due to the
global financial and economic crisis, which is increasing competition
for international tourists in East Africa.

Kenya has reduced by half its visa fees for tourists in an effort to
stimulate demand for family travel. Visa fees for tourist children
below 16 years were scrapped. In neighbouring Tanzania, the private
sector has reduced the charges for tourist packages by 15 percent.

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