Jose Colaco wrote:

I acknowledge that you are indeed the one and only voice of truth and reason 
that has been, is and will be on GoaNet.

Mario responds:

Thank you for acknowledging a well established fact, JC:-))

Jose wrote:

(let me try get a tall glass of Caju Feni - which I hate - to get myself to 
believe that garbage)

Mario responds:

Your comment above sounds like sour feni to me.  You have been a member of 
Goanet far longer than I have.  You could have been the voice of reason, truth 
and peace, but you apparently have chosen not to.

Jose wrote:

BTW: I mean that in a complimentary way, of course:-))

Mario responds:

Of course you do.  Thank you so much:-))

Jose wrote:

I repeat what I wrote earlier i.e. (Sapna) is in a class by him/herself - but 
that  he/she should not be surprised at the support he/she will get from the 
saffron haters of Catholics in Goa and elsewhere.

Mario responds:

No need to repeat it.  We saw it the first time, and it makes even less sense 
the second time around.  Besides, you were wrong about "the saffron haters of 
Catholics" and also have no way of knowing what class Sapna belongs in unless 
you know her personally.

Jose wrote:

an individual who wants to have an intellectual discussion based on "Rough 

Mario responds:

The obsession with Rough Guide has became a convenient red herring in this 
thread.  Rough Guides is what it is, and Sapna has now been provided with a 
number of other sources of information on the Inquisition by other Goanetters.  
This is a good example of how an open question in an open forum can help 
straighten out a person who is looking for information.

All Sahani did was to opine that non-Goan visitors to Goa were unaware about 
the Inquisition, wondered why, and asked Goanetters for their thoughts.   

In my initial reponse I remarked that she really had no way of knowing what 
every visitor knew or did not know.  I also  commented that I was shocked at 
the needlessly defensive and churlish responses she had received for the most 
part until then, which included your references to other gory Indian atrocities 
as if those had anything to do with the Inquisition.  

Jose wrote:

Quite contrary to Mario's assertion .... and perhaps what this "Sapna" (dream) 
and other "Bhaille" believe, the term Goan intellectual is NOT an oxymoron.

Mario responds:

I know that, which is why I said it in jest, which is indicated by a smiley 
face.  However, the responses I had seen up to that point would certainly 
provide decent evidence for the assertion when compared with your 
unsubstantiated denial and nightmares of "Bhaille":-))

Jose wrote:

Advise us WHO he/she really is, and where he/she suddenly sprung up from. Most 
of us here know basically who the other person is or is not. 

Mario responds:

Since when is this any of your business, or anyone else's for that matter?  You 
have no possible way to know who most Goanetters are - I certainly don't - but 
the moderators do.

Jose wrote:

Please do not tell me that he/she is a mere "Sapna" whom you, Mario know 

Mario responds:

What about my following statement from my initial post in this thread did you 
fail to understand, "Since I don't know Sapna,...."???

Jose wrote:

When one lives in a multi-ethnic and multi-faith community - which is basically 
at peace with itself (understanding that ALL of its forebears, be they Hindu, 
Muslim, Christian, Jew or other, have generally done uncivilised and cruel 
things to others of their own or other faiths), one tries NOT to disturb that 

Mario responds:

Excuse me, but the peace was only disturbed when you tried to defend the 
indefensible instead of simply answering the question or giving your opinion.

This is like saying the Holocaust Museum is a conspiracy to disturb the peace.

Jose wrote:

Discussions about the past mistakes are important. BUT, for them to be both 
relevant, progressive and fair, they ALL have to be held in context, NOT in 
isolation. That is why I say ..... Place ALL the dirty laundry on the table and 
come up with a composite understanding.

Mario responds:

You are free to launder whatever you want.  However, that would be a completely 
different thread from the one started by Sapna, which was specifically about 
the Inquisition.  This is an opinion forum not a court of law. Members can say 
whatever they want, fair or not.  Besides, who gets to decide what is "fair" 

Sapna did not write anything that could not be corrected or rebutted in a civil 
manner, including her use of Rough Guide. 

Jose wrote:

Discussing ONLY a segment of the ills (albeit for political or monetary 
advantage) is what gets us into unnecessary wars, mistrust, deaths, destruction 
and chaos. I take it that You, Mario - as the ONLY voice of reason, sense, 
knowledge etc on GoaNet - have followed recent history and understand (Your 
unsubstantiated and contra-lateral justifications having been noted)

Mario responds:

Yes, I have followed recent history and I believe my support for the liberation 
of millions of innocent Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan - whose liberation 
seems to offend you almost as much as a stranger asking a question about the 
Inquisition - from being brutally repressed and oppressed by small groups of 
Muslim tyrants - whose brutality you apparently excused because of your reading 
of history - has not only been well substantiated and ratified by the UN, but 
one of the liberations is well on the way to being realized and the other is a 
work in progress.

In the meantime, you are free to discuss all the pros and cons of the entire 
prior history of the region.

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