Caste, religion column finds its way in Congress office bearers list


*Panaji, June 23 : A facsimile from the All **India** Congress Committee

(AICC) allotting senior positions in the party's state hierarchy allegedly
on the basis of caste and religion has sparked a controversy in the state
Congress unit.*


The cause for the controversy is a column titled 'community', adjoining the
names of the six newly appointed office bearers. The column specifically
mentions the religion and caste of the officials, along with their
designation and area of operation.


A copy of the facsimile is available with IANS.


Newly appointed Goa Pradesh Congress Committee (GPCC) secretaries Pravin
Kunkolienkar and Gurudas Natekar have been categorised as 'Hindu Saraswat'
and 'Hindu Maratha', respectively. The new vice presidents Kanta Gawde and
Vithoba Desai have respectively been slotted under 'Hindu ST (Scheduled
Tribes)' and 'Hindu minority' categories.


"The honourable Congress president has been pleased to approve the following
list of additional office bearers," GPCC general secretary B.K. Hariprasad


However, some Congressmen have called the list of officials a not too subtle
manifestation of the party's penchant for caste and religion over commitment
and integrity when it comes to inner party functioning.


"The party high command has not done well in making caste and religion a
criteria for promotion within the party. How different are we from the
communal BJP or other regional parties which thrive on caste politics," a
member said.


Speaking to reporters, GPCC president Subhash Shirodkar said the reference
to caste and religion was not an accident and that it was in concurrence
with the Congress policy of inclusion of all sections of society within the


"There is surely no mistake. We give every information about prospective
office bearers to the high command... they decide whom to choose according
to their wisdom," Shirodkar said.


The state party president further insisted that the presence of the caste
and religion column was intentional.


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