Below is an e-mail sent by Lira Pinto, Aldona, to her sister Arecia
Paul in Toronto. An edited (by me - her son Cecil) version of this
mail appeared in the Herald newspaper dated 27th June, thanks to the
good offices of our fellow Aldonkar Vidyadhar Ghadgil.


Dear Arecia,

My apologies for not writing earlier. I’m still recovering from the
loss of my good friend, Annie. You remember her surely, the shop and
pharmacy in the Aldona market - Martinho Lobo’s. Last time you were
here we had visited her on 24th September, her birthday.

Annie was struck suddenly by a heart attack on 30th May and was laid
to rest on 3rd June at the St. Thomas’ Church cemetery. By the order
of things I should have gone first since I’m older. But then they say
God picks the best so who am I to question His judgment?

Annie, Annie - where shall I begin? We were friends for a little over
forty years from the time when I first stepped foot in Goa as a
newly-wed. I actually befriended her sister-in-law Marie D’Lima first.
Remember her Arecia? Soon enough I got to know Annie when she fell in
love with and married Marie’s brother Seby.

Annie and I shared a lot of common interests like cooking, gardening,
dancing etc. She was an excellent cook and we often swapped recipes.
She also had the proverbial green thumb. Her home garden is ample
testimony to this, and every monsoon we would be exchanging plant

Another passion of Annie’s was dancing. She and Seby made an elegant
couple on the dance floor - both tall, good looking and graceful.
Annie also had a lovely voice and singing Mandos was her forte. She
was the lead singer in the group Aldonche Bulbul,  under the guidance
of Fr. Santan Faleiro, that took part in the first ever Mando festival
and bagged the first prize.

Annie was also a great home maker with a flair for interior
decoration. Arecia, you must have noticed how her home was filled with
exquisite showpieces but still radiated with warmth – and a heartfelt
welcome for everyone. Didn’t you notice the pride with which Annie
showed you around her house when we visited?

About four years back when Annie was diagnosed with cancer she sent
for me and broke the news to me in quite a matter-of- fact way. I tell
you Arecia I was completely devastated but she was very calm and
accepting and trusting in the Lord. Since then she had been through so
much with operations, chemotherapy and radiation, but she took
everything in her stride and with the support of her family came
through cheerful and smiling and ready to help others who were less

Some twenty years back when Seby decided to do a stint in the Gulf
Annie took over the reins of the family business, no, businesses, and
in spite of having to look after three growing children and run the
household she managed to make a huge success of them all. She was also
instrumental in starting the pharmacy. Annie’s Midas touch helped
build all the family businesses into the successful enterprises they
are today.

Arecia I don’t know if you met Annie’s children Martin, Nirmala and
Melwin. They and their spouses were her pride and joy. And her five
grand children were the jewels in her crown. She enjoyed them and
loved talking about their escapades, like every doting grandmother.

I can only begin to imagine the pain Annie’s mother, Lizarda Pereira,
feels on the passing away of her first- born. They were very close and
more like friends rather than mother and daughter. Her bereft siblings
have to deal with the loss of not just their eldest sister but someone
who was also their friend and mentor.

Seby will surely be going through a very hard time without Annie’s
comforting presence by his side.  I just hope he can take some solace
in the fact that she is now free from all pain and happy in the arms
of her Maker.

Annie will be sorely missed not just by her family but also by friends
like me who she took under her generous wings. When Fortunato was
sailing away for months on end I would have been so much more lonely
if it wasn’t for good friends like Annie who were nurturing and

The smiling photograph of her, placed alongside her coffin, said it
all. No matter what she was doing Annie had a ready smile and a kind
word for everyone. The massive crowd at her funeral proved how loved
and respected she was by people from all walks of life.

It’s been nearly a month now that Annie’s been gone. Arecia, please
say a small prayer for her soul, and that we all who miss her so much
can find strength to deal with our grief.

With much love,

Your sister


Lira Pinto can be contacted at <fortylira at gmail dot com>

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