Excuse error in title earlier. The correction is noted: May He Rest in
Darkness_McNamara: From the Tokyo Firestorm to the World Bank.
Notions forming the credible and the incredible are equally radiable or
eludible. Accordingly; time, place and person render these adustible,
electable, or admirable. Moving on, let us hear a paragraph from Andre
Breton's Second Manifesto. Here in the words of Breton's more prolific
translators, Mary Ann Cavs, " The Second Manifesto ends with the an eloquent
invocation of mental adventure (below), which takes fully into account the
possibility of failure and determines to count even that a victory."

Let him use in spite of all prohibition, the avenging weapon of the idea
against the bestiality of all beings and of all things; and then one day
when he is vanquished--but vanquished only if the world is world--let him
greet the firing of the sad guns as if it were a salute. (OC I, 828)
(from André Breton by Mary Ann Cavs, in chapter 1924-53: Manifestos.
published by Twayne).
venantius j pinto

From: Mario Goveia <mgov...@sbcglobal.net>
> Subject: [Goanet] May be Rest in Darkness_McNamara: From the Tokyo
>        Firestorm       to the World Bank
> Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2009 19:46:20 -0400
> From: Venantius Pinto <venantius.pi...@gmail.com>
> May be Rest in Darkness
> McNamara: From the Tokyo Firestorm to the World Bank
> by Alexander Cockburn
> http://www.counterpunch.org/
> Indeed McNamara's legacy is of the perverse.
> Mario responds:
> Readers of Counterpunch and author Alexander Cockburn need to know that
> this is a far left wing publication and Cockburn is a vicious and
> mean-spirited Marxist-sympathiser and anti-Semite, as demonstrated by this
> sentiment at the death of a political opponent "May He Rest in Darkness".
> Robert McNamara's legacy was marred by the left wing and the Democrat party
> in America when they cut the military budget on the verge of a VietCong
> military collapse.  This is not my opinion but that of VietCong General
> Giap, who mentioned in his memoires that he was shocked when the Americans
> began to pull out because his forces were virtually on their knees after
> their failed Tet offensive.
> After the war, the VietCong and Khmer Rouge, whom Cockburn and his Marxist
> colleagues had described as benign freedom fighters, massacred some 3
> million innocent Vietnamese and Cambodians.
> Real freedom fighters do not massacre their own people.

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