Welcome to Goanet Carmen Miranda.

If your name is really Carmen Miranda then you have as much spirit and
passion as the erstwhile world famous Brazilian samba singer of the
same name.

Bring that passion and spirit to Goanet on an ongoing basis. At the
moment we have too few with that talent. Selma you will soon
experience, she outruns the best of the boys. Venita Coelho from Goa,
sometimes. Jane Gillian of Bombay shows promise but unlike you her
energies are misdirected (at Gabriel, Mario and me). Ruby Goes from
Down Under who loves dancing and scotch, not to mention news clippings
from the BBC. Ana Maria de Souza Goswami who was once battleworthy but
now is happy merely to employ cooks, gardeners and houseboys for her
large estate.

Of spirited males there is no shortage. There is Mario Goveia of the
US who is the self-appointed voice of truth, peace and reason and an
enduring friend of George Bush. Alfred Tavares of Sweden whose posts
are short but pungent like a Goa sausage. There's Mervyn Lobo a
Canadian compatriot who will tell you of bush planes launched by
coconut tree catapults and that gold as an investment is a good buy
perenially. Valmiki Faleiro who will take you back to a Goa that you
never imagined. Gabriel de Figueiredo who would be Salazar's spokesman
if Salazar was living and too many others whom it would take a lot of
bandwith to do justice to but whom I would allow you to discover for

With regards

On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 6:50 AM, Carmen Miranda<carmitamira...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Fiddle while Rome burns.....(meaning to occupy oneself with unimportant
> matters and neglect priorities during a crisis.) ...I just joined goanet a
> week ago, and I have been amazed at the passion, energy and time spent
> discussing who is TRASH and who is not TRASH , when the biggest trash are
> our politicians and their policies or lack of them in Goa.

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