Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 13:48:16 -0400
From: Pandu Lampiao <>

I yam a meaty fellow myself (sent you a picture) and can run fast too
(lots of practice after all the pre-dawn coconut raids....from the
days when coconut prices were high and smokes were free. 

Mario responds:

Good one, Pandu.

I understand eating yams will put some meat on your bones:-))

Your speed may come in handy in hit and run tactics against those meaty 
Russkies though:-))  You may want to borrow a motorcycle because I think the 
Russkies can run faster than the buses in Salcette:-))

Pandu wrote:

But seriously, do you think one sane hairy Goan has it in their guts
to stand up to them Ruskis? 

Mario responds:

No, but seriously, I think a few thousand Goans could do the trick, especially 
if you can get Selma to lead the charge:-))  Or, perhaps, the intrepid warrior 
Wendell may be better:-))  I'm told Babush has a lot of meat:-))  C'mon, get a 
team together.

Pandu wrote:

And if my memory served me right, didn't you say one of your relatives
too off under cover of darkness during the pre-liberation days.  Aye,
that is quite comical if you don't mind me says so...running away from
the alcoholic Portuguese! 

Mario responds:

I think your memory needs some work.  I said my freedom fighting relative did 
not even go into Goa.  She was smart enough to stay outside Goa and broadcast 
insults to the colonialists which drove them crazy. 

I'm glad you found it comical because it may help you see the humor in what you 
are doing, staying far from Morjim and the equally drunk Russkies while trying 
to stir up some trouble for someone else:-))

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