Well put Bernice.

There are relationships and relationships. They are homosexuals who do not
sleep with each other or anyone else. I mean sleep in the sense of
penetration. Period. I point this out only because sleep has such divergent
connotation and denotations. But they live with each other, share meals, hug
each other, take care of each other when sick, look good for each
other--under one roof, or live separately. I have friends who are scholars
and they are married (as in husband and wife) but do not sleep in the same
bed. They are heterosexuals. They are not retarded or anything. Perhaps they
are old royalty. : ) Perhaps asexual if that matters. Other than that, all
married people do not have sex. Some sustain themselves not through sex, nor
any form towards procreation in terms of rearing progeny an having some
extra. Their minds move differently. They see things others do not. They are
not better, only a little different. Then there are the grand male (I am
talking of older pedigreed Goans) beings who think they are so liberal but
make one sick just seeing them "exfoliate" upon the other sex. Weddings
are their haunts as I believe are foreign jaunts.

Some are totally grounded in their being. Some do not take the vow to be
faithful to each other (and that too in a Catholic marriage), but stay the
course. Note that the above does not in any form imply that they are seeking
gratification elsewhere, and if that happens the house does not collapse.
And if it happened its not a balls-to-the-wall scenario, as in craving--must
have it. Do not ask why. Its pointless to get into that.

Not in India per se, but many of us have to come up to snuff with the idea
of relationships, in whatever form marriage takes. I also believe that many
things we do are choices. One of my colleagues told me last Friday, she
believe her 81 year old grandmother is having a grand time.  I do not doubt
her at all. But imagine what our people would think if their mothers wanted
to have some, at say even 70. How about with a much younger guy. Besides the
other implications, would they consider the younger person perverted, or
would they just be happy for their mothers, or would they feel their mother
was cheating on their dead father, or that the man was after the family

Sexuality is a moving constant and there is a constancy to its call. It tell
a bit about someone but never much, although people pride themselves on
being able to do so.

I knew men who had taken the trouble to have sex with eunuchs. One just
before he got married. But if one were to suggest that it could be a form
of homosexuality, bisexuality or even poly sexuality, they would split
someones skull. I believe these are things in their past, unless they are
being moved differently now. What happens inside bedrooms is something that
should least concern us, unless we wish to emulate and if so there are
books, and dictionaries.

venantius j pinto

> Date: Sun, 19 Jul 2009 14:39:51 +0530 (IST)
> From: Bernice Pereira <bernicepere...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: [Goanet] (no subject)
> I remember we had a pair of girls in
> a hostel in Goa where I was, as a very young girl.? Every night? they'd
> land up on the same bed.? They were a butt of a lot of jokes.
> ? ?
> For that matter, how many men and women are living absolutely straight
> lives (i.e. one man one woman). Is not promiscuity bad? Isn't that
> abnormal but yet accepted.? In fact these are the very people who are
> idolized by the masses because of their money and glamour.Nobody thinks
> of the poor innocent children who are victims of these so called
> marriages..
> ? ? What a false world we live in!!!
> ? ? ? ? ? ?

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