Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 18:19:34 -0400
From: "J. Colaco  < jc>" <>

ALL Indian citizens including Kashmiris can come and settle in Goa they wish.....and by right.

Mario asks:

Just as Goans can go and settle anywhere in India.  That is what a country 
means, folks, its a place for ALL its citizens.  Goa is no longer a bogus 
"Estado da India" dictatorial colonial backwater; hasn't been for 48 years now.

JC wrote:

That was the deal worked out (through spectacular brilliance) by the
Goa freedom fighters. 

Mario responds:

"Deal"?  What "deal"?  The freedom fighters were Goans fighting for freedom 
from the Portuguese dictators, not freedom from other Indians.

JC wrote:

On the other hand, Those who are writing about (pro) migrants FAIL to
understand that the problem a good percentage of Goans has with this
unbridled migration  the FILTH.

Mario asks:

JC is absolutely correct.  Goa is getting as filthy as the rest of India.  If 
Goa would elect competent and honest politicians they would provide public 
toilets and bath houses like they do in other poor countries and make the 
employers provide living quarters for their migrant workers that are no more 
filthy than a normal Goan house:-))

JC wrote:

Rajan Parrikar has explained it beautifully. This generation of Goans
will pass and the next one will not realise how clean Goa was.

Mario responds:

I can hear the conversation a generation from now, JC and RP telling their 
grandkids, "Kitem re?!  Goa was so beautiful and clean.  We had wonderful white 
dictators, re.  Everyone had to salute and bow.  We Catholics were all like 
brown sahibs, men, especially on Sundays, when we all dressed up for church.  
But not when we wore our kashties.  Then we all looked like kunbis.  What a 
place.  No bridges or paved roads or electricity or running water.  It was 
marvelous, men."

"You should have seen our sanitary system!  PIGS, men!  Yes, you heard me 
right!  PIGS.  I kid you not.  Scrawny porkers snorting around waiting for your 
intestinal waste products with great anticipation.  The same ones that ended up 
as sorpotel and chorizos later that week, men.  The ultimate cycle of life, 
re.  Arre, the pork was so tasty.  It doesn't taste like that anymore.  What a 
shame, men!  Those were the days I tell you.  Before these damn Indians came 
and spoiled everything.  May those freedom fighters rot in hell!"

Date: Sun, 19 Jul 2009 19:18:57 +0530
From: "floriano" <>

And the most beautiful thing that we have in Goa is DEMOCRACY 

Let us start by formulating laws that will open our beautiful land Goa to 
the whole world but not allowing anyone to take undue advantage of the 
goodness. As an example we might want to look at the Gulf regions and their 

Mario responds:


The last time I checked most, if not all, the Gulf states were feudal sovereign 
dictatorships, not a small, beautiful and booming state like Goa within a 
chaotic democracy like India with 600 million or so rural poor who will go 
wherever they can to work and survive.

I'm not sure what you mean by "Let us start by formulating laws...."  Who in 
India is going to let one state pass laws against internal migrants?

Who gets to decide what "undue advantage" means?

I think you know better than most is that it all begins with electing honest 
politicians who will at least enforce existing laws.

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