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  training and research and is looking to buy land of approx 1500 to
  2000 sq mtrs betweeen Mapusa and Bambolim and surrounding rural areas

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Ah, I've always said I have a long memory on Goanet :-)Now, let me put in as
succintly as I can:1. Men believe, making young girls dance naked, will
appease the rain-God.2. Men believe, letting young girls have convulsions,
will rid them of the devil possessing their body.Is there any tangible
difference between the two? No, both are irrational beliefs and the reason
we know they are irrational is because our body of knowledge has expanded.
It is just a matter of educating people to expand their body of knowledge.
With education comes change. Best,Selma
I knew you had a bone to pick with me (long time coming, I was waiting) I
too have a long memory.
Thanks for putting Pagan Rituals and Pota in the same bracket.

Belief in Paganism does not mean decent moral code of conduct has to be
Your No 2. Yes, there is a huge difference, all girls do not want to take
their clothes off (even men for that matter).
Not all girls have convulsions (even educated people have convulsions, they
just get hypnotised).

All girls in that village were forced by the elders to strip if not they are
beaten, I have lived in Madhya Pradesh Jungle Mines for 5 years, I know the

When I was in Pota one man started talking in tongues, no one else, his
sister said I knew he would do that (are you saying he and his sister are
not educated, he is a business man and she a teacher).
It is a choice to get psychologically traumatised, his sister chose not to
(education has nothing to do with convulsions).
Another woman started crying hysterically, she was removed, for being a
Another Hindu man came marching up to the alter and prostrated (attention
seeking) (that Hindu man was in the same bus with us).

Your No 3. Yes, our body willing to except knowledge should be educated. But
who will take on that task?
Certainly the Hindus have not done that as yet (2009), instead they kill the
missionaries who try to educate them.
Shouldn't the educated Hindus instead of going to the Banaras or the
Himalayas for personal purification of going to heaven, help the priests (I
mean to at least tell the people that these Priests do not BITE and see for
themselves too that these priests do not instigate violence; instead they
choose to talk big on Internet).

Its OK for FN to say let people believe in whatever they want to, if so, why
Afghanistan and Iraq?
If Hindus do not want to educate people in this 21st century of ours. What
chance have these people got?

Last of all, to have convulsions or not, it is a personal choice,(some do,
some dont).
There are young people who will marry outside their cast (or whatever) JUST
to annoy authority - these people will never get convulsion no matter how
much you try, instead they will give you one. That is the difference.
Selma, after studying astrology (out of curiosity) - (Sir Isac Newton said
to his friends "if you have not studied astrology do not comment - I have").
I now know that you cannot change a person's psyche, if they are vulnerable
to be hypnotised they will, Daren Brown picks one out of 100 to be
hypnotised, because he knows they can be manipulated.
  • ... Bosco Dsouza
  • ... Marshall Mendonza
    • ... Santosh Helekar
  • ... Marshall Mendonza
    • ... Santosh Helekar
  • ... Cajetan Alvares
  • ... Cajetan Alvares
    • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न ोरोन्या
    • ... Carvalho
  • ... Cajetan Alvares
  • ... Bosco Dsouza
    • ... Bosco Dsouza
  • ... Dr. U. G. Barad
  • ... Bosco Dsouza

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