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Jose Colaco wrote:

> Now why go to the UN which Mario and those war-mongers do not
> recognise when it is inconvenient, Look at what the Indian Supreme
> Court had to say 12 years before Mario Soares and Yeshwant Chavan
> signed the 1974 accord.

Gabe Menezes gabe.menezes at gmail.com
Sat Jul 25 01:33:03 PDT 2009

It is not true that the man does not recognize the U.N.

Mario responds:

See, even Gabe knows that what Jose said is not true.

Gabe wrote:

The man does not know the meaning of liberation fullstop.

Mario responds:

Now Gabe is wrting something that is not true, even with a fullstop.

Here's what liberation means, "a movement seeking equal rights and status for a 

By kicking out the dictatorial Portuguese masters, India restored equal rights 
and status for Goans with all other Indians.

Gabe wrote:

Tell that to the 5 million displaced Iraqis, 2 million of whom are refugees
in Jordan and Syria; sure they are very very happy, if not estatic that they 
have been 'liberated' by George Bush.

Tell that to the Hundreds of thousand of Christians who had to flee Iraq
because of the 'liberation'.

Mario responds:

I don't need to tell the Iraqis, including the Iraqi Christians, whom they were 
displaced by.  It was by their own sectarian extremists.

I'm not sure why Gabe is unaware of this, even after he claims to have been to 
Iraq recently.

The Iraqis know they have been liberated by the efforts of President Bush, from 
Saddam Hussein, a brutal dictator, whom the Iraqis tried, convicted and hanged 
for his crimes against them.

I'm not sure why Gabe, or Jose, wanted Saddam Hussein to continue in power 
since we know that he was brutally oppressing the Iraqis and menacing his 
neighbors especially Israel.

Gabe wrote:

Equally tell that to the Goans who were not consulted after being
'liberated', whether they wished to be assimilated into India - heck at
least they didn't do the same to East Pakistan!

Mario responds:

I guess this means that Gabe believes that Goans were consulted by the 
Portuguese who conquered them by force and exploited them for hundreds of 
years, forcing many to become Christians and punishing many during the 
Inquisition.  Gabe must like being kicked around by white Europeans.

Based on the condition of East Pakistan it would have been far better off if 
India had annexed them.

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