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and research and seeks to buy approx 1500 to 2000 sq mtrs land betweeen Mapusa 
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or yvo...@sangath.com or ph+91-9881499458


Mario wrote:



Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 00:38:00 -0400
From: "Bosco D'Mello" <bos...@canada.com>

In June 2009 Mario passed off a few links bashing Canadian Healthcare. At 
the time it was demonstrated [1] Mario was pushing right-wing think-tanks who 
purported to write the 'gospel' on the state of Canadian Healthcare.

Today he forwards a link from NCPA that details how Americans are living in the 
Garden of Eden.

Once again Mario has forwarded links from a right-wing, conservative think-tank 
that seeks to "promote private alternatives to government regulation and 
control, solving problems by relying on the strength of the competitive, 
entrepreneurial private sector" [2]. In order words, those Americans who cannot 
afford to pay for healthcare should be denied healthcare.

Mario responds:

As we can plainly see, for Bosco, anyone who points out the notorious waiting 
lists in the FREE Canadian health care system for any serious medical procedure 
is a right wing conservative nut.

Bosco desperately tries to cast aspersions on factual information from credible 
sources without making any attempt at disputing the facts that they have 

Bosco and some of his left leaning friends would like to see the US reduced to 
the level of Canada, nice but weak, whereas some of us would like to see the US 
return to being the great country it has been historically, a beacon of freedom 
and enterprise and the lone hope of the oppressed in so many countries 
voluntarily willing to shed its blood on behalf of others.

I would encourage Goanetters to read both the links above and the ones below 
and then make up their own minds.

Somehow, it has never occurred to the left-leaning Canadians to allow private 
for-profit health care providers for those who want it.  Like good socialists 
they prefer to drag everyone down towards the lowest common denominator.

Of course the safety net for Canadians who want to live is to buy health 
insurance in the US and come to the US for serious treatments they cannot get 
in Canada.  They will have nowhere convenient to go if Obama succeeds in making 
the US health care system as "accessible" and dangerous to those who need 
serious medical procedures as Canada's.

Here is yet another recent report from the notoriously "right wing, 
conservative" news channel, CNN, on the wonders of the Canadian health care 
system.  Bosco may consider CNN a right wing conservative channel because of 
where he stands, whereas we consider CNN a left wing channel:-))


WARNING: Here is a video report on Canadian health care that Bosco should not 
watch because it will definitely put him on some waiting list up in Health Care 
Heaven, a.k.a. Canada:


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 10:23:08 +0100
From: Gabe Menezes <gabe.mene...@gmail.com>

>From the only voice of truth, reason and blah, blah...blah. or should it be a 
>curmudgeon ?

Mario responds:

The correct description is "The lone voice on Goanet for reason, truth and 

This is necessary on Goanet because some people cannot see the truth even when 
it stares them in the face in places like Iraq and Singapore.

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