
       BOOK RELEASE: Medieval Goa by Teotonio R. de Souza
Will be re-released after 30 years on August 21, 2009 at 5:15pm
         at Goa Chambers of Commerce and Industry Hall,
                near Azad Maidan in Panjim, Goa



--- On Mon, 8/17/09, percy ferrao <percyfer...@yahoo.com> wrote:Courtesy times 
of india, by Anand Soondas

Don’t make a big deal of Shah Rukh’s detention Anand Soondas  Saturday August 
15, 2009 

After a long time actor Salman Khan has come up with a real gem. On hearing 
about Shah Rukh Khan being questioned by US security at Newark, New Jersey, he 
said it’s good that the country has such a tight set-up. And that ``there has 
been no attack after 9/11 because of this.’’

Salman has a point. SRK might be an icon to Indians and many in the 
subcontinent, even to the desi diaspora spread across the globe, but to America 
he’s just a visitor. We may be convinced he cannot be involved in anything 
that’s remotely violent, but the guard given the responsibility of stopping 
something like 9/11 from happening in his country again will want to take no 
chances. And what is the possibility that he’s a die hard fan of the Khan and 
Bollywood? Very slim.

Interestingly, the same day that SRK was detained in Newark, there came news 
that the great Bob Dylan, who was wandering around Long Branch, near New York 
City, sometime back, was asked for an ID by two cops too young to know who he 
really was. When he couldn’t furnish one, he was taken right back to the resort 
where he was putting up and staff there vouched for him. And America is Dylan’s 
own country. 

Was there a furore? Not that I know of. Not even a little blowin' in the wind.

SRK says he’s ``upset and angry’’ because it was his Muslim name that caused 
all this. Thousands of Muslims are made to go through extra security checks 
everyday in America and a host of Western countries. Is he equally upset at 
that? He's probably just pissed that it happened to him, India's mega star. We 
all know how a lot of Muslims have been subjected to prejudice around the world 
because many countries see terrorism as an Islamic phenomenon. Yes, it is 
uncalled for, unjust and maybe wrong. But America is a country that takes the 
killings of its people with the seriousness it deserves, unlike India whose 
record on this is shameful, to say the least.

Also, because most of the perpetrators of 9/11 were Muslims, America thinks it 
has to be doubly careful where they are concerned. Had the terrorists been 
Jews, perhaps it would have looked at Jews with similar suspicion. I was much 
more aggrieved at President Kalam being frisked. But that’s a dated debate.

There are two layers to the SRK incident and we must peel them off with care. 
One, it is quite ridiculous that Indians feel their icons and superstars are 
everybody’s icons and superstars. What the heck? If Jet Li came to India 
tomorrow, the man on the street here would probably call him ‘`Chinky’’ and not 
give a second look. For that matter, what if Gérard Depardieu came travelling. 
How many would know him? Matt Damon was here recently and there wasn’t a 
traffic jam in Delhi. These guys are huge back home.

Moreover, America doesn’t have a culture of fawning the way India has. Mike 
Tyson was treated like a common rapist and spent most part of his youth in the 
slammer. Winona Ryder was sentenced to a three-year probation for shoplifting. 
Chinese born Hollywood actress Bai Ling was fined US 200 dollars for petty 

More importantly, we are actually aggrieved because we are ``not like them’’. 
Well, guess what. It isn’t a virtue. We should be like them and take the 
security of our country and its people with solemn, no-nonsense 
professionalism. Frisk Brad Pitt when he lands in India next. Give Tom Cruise 
the same dose. Don’t spare Bill Clinton either. Isn’t he an ex-prez just like 
Kalam? Who’s stopping you and what’s stopping you? Colonial hangover? Or is it 
plain lethargy and callousness. Looks like both.

We are just whimpering over here like hurt puppies because we feel, ``Oh, but 
we don’t do it to them’’. Oh no, we don’t. And it’s a scandal. We should. I’ve 
seen white men – and women – get away in India with murder. Indian women can’t 
get into some discos wearing a sari. And bouncers will frown at you if you are 
dressed in a kurta. Have you seen what some of these firangs have on them? No 
one bats a eyelid.
So instead of making SRK’s detention an issue, we should think of upgrading our 
own security set-up. 

There’s a lesson in this. And it is a positive one. A day after our own 26/11, 
there was hardly any security at CST in Mumbai. It can’t get worse than that. 
The bottom line: Stop fawning, shed the colonial hangover and make no 
compromise where the country’s safety is concerned. Can we do that or is it too 
much to ask from a country that’s been free for 62 years but was ruled by white 
sahibs for 200? 

Related stories:

I feel humiliated, says an angry Shah Rukh

India takes up Shah Rukh case with US

SRK detained at US airport for being a Khan

The world sees Muslims differently: Mahesh Bhatt


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