I agree with MP  that  it is high time for Advaniji to  retire from active 
politics. At the age of 85 he should be a director and not  the actor in 
politics. In next general elections of 2014 he will be turning almost 90 years 
old and can not be considered  as Prime Ministerial candidate of a national 
party  of a country whose  voter population is young. 
At the beginning of Year 2009 before the general elections  he was projected  
BJP's prime ministerial candidate but now  he  is  on the verge of  ending  his 
career  in dark oblivion. 
Advaniji should  have resigned after BJP’s crushing defeat in LS elections. But 
he made a mistake of  hanging  on for too long and failing to read the 
sentiments of party leaders and workers. 
He certainly lacked the charisma of Vajpayee  who could hold any type of 
alliance parties together.  Advani even failed to prove  to be a  vote catcher 
for BJP and was  partially responsible for decrease in number of seats in LS 
If BJP wants to revive itself and rise again to be a ruling party  there should 
be a change in leadership both  at Party organization as well in Parliament who 
can bring in the change in the Government and free India from the clutches of 
corrupt Kkangress.http://tinyurl.com/Advani-rancid-pickle-Parrikar

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