To all the Alberts, Pauls, Tom Dick and Harry having a grudge against
the Catholic

Coming from economically backward family, I am highly indebted to the
Catholic Church for the upliftment socially, financially etc  provided
to me and my family.  SVP society members have helped us by providing
food, clothing, medical expenses.  My schooling was done in St.
Sebastain School, Dabul, whose Principal, my father used to approach
to have my brother and my school fees paid. Moral values, missing in
todays selfish world were thaught to us by the clergy and The lay
people in the Church.

We are financially much better and doing well today.  All this due to
the strengthening of our foundation by the Church and its lay members.
 We were helped due to assistance provided to the Church by its lay
members.  And there are countless  more who have benefited from the
Church and its affiliates.

The Catholic Church, in most of the parishes, publishes in the monthly
parish bulletin, its  balance sheet stating the income and expenditure
its incurs annually. Any blind person would know  its difficult to
operate  such a vast network without  finance, which the lay people

We have stray dogs barking at the caravans whilst it passes
peacefully.  The least providers OR those who provide not even a paisa
are the ones who make a big noise and detract others from doing good.
As Christians we are supposed to provide a tenth of our earnings to
the Lord.  Are we forced by the Church to pay ?  never. Ful na pakdi
tumcheam zata titlem ghalia mhuntai sermanvant amche Padri.

Unless the guys barking belong to a different denomination and are
envious of the Catholic Church flourishing due to the blessings of The
Lord.  If you have doubts than you can directly help the needy
wherever you meet. But let not your right hand know what your left
hand is doing for you will receive your reward immediately.

They have eyes but cannot see,  how relevant this words even today.

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