Everything I do, I do it for …
Wait, wait!
Don’t complete the line yet, I know you know the song or the lyrics...
Read on, it may not be what you think it is.
Well, I am not into any gainful employment part time or fulltime.
Neither I am into any gainful business nor into earning fame or 
goodwill which, in the long run,  one may usually use for business 
purpose or politically building up vote bank etc.
One thing may be true. 
I am in full time into something.
What’s that something?
Well, that’s my business.
(only few  people may understand the nature of my business)
Likely every businessman, I too expect ‘returns’ or profit for my hard 
work. That’s is main basis or motto  of any business.
Or else, why some one would invests huge money in?
End of the business day, like every ‘posorkars’, I too check my books 
of accounts, I too check my cash boxes.
Some items doing very well where as some doing extremely well yet 
there some which are doing miserably poor. This help me in deciding 
what’s more should I buy and kept for sale/display on my shop’s 
e.g.  I call it a hit, if an item of mine hits 100 in 72 hrs or super hit if in 
less than 36 hours. There are some instances where in some item hits 
the target  in less than 24 hours.
It's like good items are always sold like hot cakes.
Often there are requests to extend my business to those places which 
are not easily accessible to my type of stuff. I reluctantly say no as this 
could affect my business returns i.e. number of hits. .  
I see that some other business owners,  using my items making it 
readily available  to all areas thus depriving me of my returns or profits, 
the only basis which I really survive on.
By now, I am sure, some of you will have fairly good knowledge as to what
 I was trying to sing in the subject line, I mean the lyrics.
If not, read on..
Now sing along this first line and then the next

Everything I do I do it for You

Everything I do I do it for views
You will note that while singing, it hardly make any difference (in sound)
But when in writing, it does make a lot of difference.
Thanks for understanding

You are my valued customer
Thank you for your patronage 
Customers satisfaction is our motto
We do not sell cheap things but we sell things cheap
If I do shift my business from CRZ costal areas to the hinterland,
I am sure you, as satisfied cutomers,  know where to follow me.
If you still did not understand what this is all about, please ask.

Here is something to cheer you up -related.
wait until 1.05mins


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