Albert writes:- Why must we divide ourselves into Christians, Hindus, Muslims 
Parses etc ? Are all of us not created by one and one Almighty God ? What is 
there in names whether I have Hindu names or I have names of trees ? There are 
so many names that I have come across which are neither Christian names nor 
Hindu names. They are not even names of human beings. So many of the Christian 
names are either difficult to write or difficult to pronounce. Many of our 
names are made up of two combinations one of the father and the second one of 
the mother that always sounds funny. Some of our teachers will vouch for me 
that they find it so difficult to get the names of their students. Its either 
Kisley, Tamsly, footsly, or ghostly, etc. Why boast to say that Christians 
having hindu names are cowards ? We have Rajendra, Jawahal, Azad etc some of 
them  were my class mates and they were very brave people and sportpersons and 
highly intelligent too. Could we call them cowards just because they had names 
of their names ? sounds foolish.  I think the writer wants to show his ignorance

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