
Except for Goa-Kerala-Nagaland where Christians are in sizeable numbers and
also have some form of state protection in all other states in India
christians are few in numbers and live under permanent threat from the right
wing Hindutva / Hitlerite forces. Under such circumstances it is important
that christians in these states form their own self defence groups in every
parish and in every village so that they will be in a position to protect
their lives, families, livelihoods, properties, churches as and when the
right wing hindutva forces decide to replicate the kandhmal experiment in
their parish/village.

But putting all the blame on the right wing hindutva forces is not justified
the reason for this is that christian missionaires are also provoking the
right wing hindutva forces by indulging in allurement based coversion
activities. If the christian missionaries are not indulging in allurement
based conversion activities then they should explain why they are opposing
the anti-conversion laws and why they are operating only where the poorest
of the poor people live and why they are demanding reservations only for
dalits/sc/st christians and why they are utilizing all their foreign funds
to serve only poor non-christians.

The Clergy including Bishops and Cardinals have misued the 'Responsbile
Freedom' which was granted to them by the Vatican - II council of 1962-1965.
Corruption has become rampant in the catholic church after the Vatican II
council. Church properties are being sold off. Church finances are being
misused. Today hardly any lay catholic trusts the clergy and hardly any
catholic goes for confession. The realities inside the church door are not
mixing with the realities outside the church door. Guess which ones are

The historical rituals of Catholicism were immediately abandoned after
Vatican-II. The changes in rituals and environment obscured the definitive
truths which were so visible in the past and left an emptiness in their
place. Altars were moved out from the wall, and the priest went to the other
side facing the people. He spoke in English or Vernacular instead of Latin.
Guitars were brought in to replace organs. People sang folk songs, while
papers shuffling and chairs rattling was all else that was heard.

warning from the Third Secret of Fatima. The Blessed Virgin warned against
modernizing the church because the  result would be irreconcilable *Corruption,
*Pedophilia and  homosexuality among priests, and the end of respect for
such  a "democratic" institution, such as what happened to the  Protestants-
everyone went off on their own and started making  up their own rules and

*Planet Earth does not have unlimited resources to satisfy the wants and
needs of every human being. Hence it is important that couples have one or
two or maximum three children. Else more population means more hunger,
unemployement, family problems, poverty, wars, natural disasters, etc. The
Vatican may oppose family planning but the fact is most of the teenage or
married catholics in present day practice family planning.*

Christ in Christian....Christian in Christ.

Daniel Rodrigues
Pune, Maharashtra.

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