* G * O * A * N * E * T **** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible



My name is Cheryl  , but explaining an email Id like Pcheryl would take us 
back to one of the hottest debates on Goa net.

Please permit me to use your question to add to this debate !!!


 What's in a name ( formerly CHRISTIANs WITH

15 years ago one Cheryl Desouza  joined an organization called Stock 
Holding Corporation of Inida which had an 70% South India Hindu population 
and 28.5% other Hindu  population . 1.5 % catholic population . Of this 
1.5 % Catholics Goans consistited 25 % and I was the loan Goan woman in 
the operations side the rest were secretaries . It  was but fair enough 
that I  would often receive mail addressed C/O South Holding Corporation 
of Inida . Hence keeping in line with the great South India Tradition of 
having the husbands initial / family name before ones name , my email Id 
got created as pche...@stockholding .com 

But over the year I have noticed that as per my office records Cheryl 
Dsouza got changed to Cheryl Pereira and then  unceremoniously to pcheryl 
which is totally harsh  to the ear and sounds more like an illiterate . 
But I have not changed from being the Cheryl Desouza and still radiated 
the same aura ( if any ) invoke the same emotions / disgust among people I 
interact with .

So as one of our friends has rightly said
 What's in a name???.

My ancestors were Hindus , I am a Catholic ?? Why should I be ashamed of a 
Hindu  name ??? By being ashamed of a Hindu name I am indirectly ashamed 
of  ancestors ? Were they that lowly members of society that I should 
whant to deny their existence??? That  amounts to self denial and insult 
to my self . I can change my name but not my Blood ! And certainly not 

Regarding your illiterate non Goan Sarpanch ,  I can very much guess she 
is a Marwadi. Last may I went to the north east for a holiday and I was 
stunned to see that most business ( Shops ) in Assam and Shillong were 
owned by Marwawadi's. The North East is a matriarch society where one goes 
by this mothers family name unlike the rest of India. And from the current 
state of affairs in the North East you may as well guess how very 
sentimental people are about their land and Culture . The Marwadi's out 
there have fond a novel way to get acceptance in a matriarch society. They 
have married local girls and have added their surnames to theirs . NE 
being a matriarch society they have managed to find acceptance among the 
locals  and have made much more successful business men because of their 
Marwadi Genes.

Now regarding you illiterate non Goan Sarpanch, ask yourselves who voted 
her to power ? has she done you any better than a Goan Sarpanch .? If yes 
, appreciate and Integrate , she cares for you much  more than your own 
Goan Surpanch . If no  just Boot ! You have the democratic power to do so! 
The choice is yours . Just crying fowl don?t help . Now if 1/3 rd of us 
can be bought for a peg of Fenny ! only vote and the remaining want to 
hold on to our Susegad philosophy ,we  might as well as lay back ! try and 
enjoy it . After all each one of us has contributed to such a system and 
majority wins is the rule of any game! 

Alfred de Tavares <alfredtava...@hotmail.com> 
10/08/2009 08:31 PM

GOANET Lists <goanet@lists.goanet.org>, Goa Net Organization 
<goa...@goanet.org>, <cheryl.pere...@stockholding.com>

RE: [Goanet] Indian colonialism

Dear Pcheryl,

Is the 'P', in your sweet name silent as in Psmith?

Just pleasantly curious....
Alfred...nothing silent therein...

> From:pcheryl  cheryl.pere...@stockholding.com
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 08:17:57 -0400
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Indian colonialism
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> * G * O * A * N * E * T **** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Planning to get married in Goa?
> www.weddingsetcgoa.com
> Making your 'dream wedding' possible
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi Bernado !
> Its pleasant to find literary inclined Goans on the net. We can  all 
help each other 
> through our learning and sharing . Literature is the product of a very 
intelligent / 
> powerful mind and always carries a hidden message  which is hard to 
> decipher.  In fact the poetry you quoted was one of my favorite I 
studies during 
> high school . I can still remember teacher Melba explaining the meaning 
to us and 
> how  her words shaped my life.  Two other very inspirational poems I 
faintly recall 
> are  'IF'  and another by D.H Lawrence which  went on  to explain ' Do 
not make 
> monkeys of men , by having men manning machines' . How much  very true 
are all these 
> poems when they talk about life . You begin to realize life has not 
changed over the 
> centuries. Humans time and again has always had this feeing of helpless 
ness  and no 
> time for theselves. , unable to break free from situations they consider 
> detrimental and  that's why we express ourselves through poetry and 
literature .
> The poem 'If '  goes on to explain human  nature of always saying 'IF  I 
 had not 
> done this and if I only  I had done that  , then I could have got that' 
..... Always 
> finding excuse for not having achieved what his neighbor has . As a 
> inclined and talented person , please keep up your talent  There may one 
day be a 
> dawn of realization that every thing in life has a time. Time for play & 
time for 
> work , time for joy and time for sorrow. Time to love and time to hate 
.Time to 
> praise God and time to say Why God? .
> What eventually would set one  apart from rest of  his  fellow beings 
and makes him 
> feel contented is  the feeling ' Yes , I have had my time, I have had it 
all  but if 
> I have survived it all and have been victorious. My courage& fortitude 
made me 
> never give  up when things went wrong ,dead wrong !?  I have done it !'
> If  we  have rights we have duties too . Rest is my right as much as it 
is my right 
> to feed my  self . Don't expect others to feed me , it is my  duty to 
feed myself. 
> If I cannot feed myself,  the world views  me as a parasite and  I find 
myself left 
> far behind while the world has gone ahead of me..........'Time and tide 
waits for no 
> man'................ ' Don't Curse the word then?'
> bye
> Cheryl 

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