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Dear Goa net readers, 
I came across this article and thought of sharing this with you.

-          By Victor Ferrao and Boniface Furtado


our last article on Herald (Dated:10/09/09 ), we have already deconstructed and
exposed the following erroneous assumptions of the proponents of the Church
‘Transparency –Accountability’ Discourse: 1. That the Church is a Democracy; 2. 
That Rebellion is a necessary tool for Change; 3. That there is a rampant lack 
of Transparency
and Accountability in the Church; and 4. That the Church in Goa is plagued by 
high-caste dominance. 


In the
present attempt, we wish to engage with their discursive strategies and bring
to light their manipulative intent. This engagement into the discursive
politics of the proponents of the discourse is indeed crucial because it has
the power to dismantle the piercing fangs that strive to inject obnoxious venom
into the minds of thousands of innocents and expose their malevolent design to
frame the Church and her Leaders.


notice that the discourse under our scrutiny is constructed and maintained with
a deliberate employment of a motivated semiotics and hermeneutics that aims to 
disturb, doctor, manipulate, colour and control the public perception of the 
Church and her Leadership.
Such a dangerous attempt to socially engineer a public perception to
manufacture support for their devious agenda is certainly an oppressive strategy
of  the master promoters of Neocolonialism.
Hence, we attempt to critically examine the link between this Discourse and 


juxtaposing ideals of Democracy, Freedom and Equality with some real or fake
stories of abuse of properties in the Church, the proponents of the discourse
generate a picture that all is not in the order of things in the Church. This
clever semantic ‘othering’ of the Church
through the introduction of a framework (doctored frame: Democracy, Freedom,
Equality and stories of abuse) creates and manufactures a need for the Church
to change. Such an orchestrated design is manifested by an attentive reading of
the discursive choices of the proponents of this discourse. The lexical
choices, the heteroglossia (double voicing) and foxy semiotics craftily
employed by Dr. Teotonio de Souza prove our contention. Hence, we attempt to
analyze the strategies of the proponents of the discourse and bring into the
open their manipulative character.


earlier effort has already exposed that their discursive strategies suffer from
crafty insinuations, caustic sarcasms, gross overgeneralizations, and
reductionist oversimplifications. Here we try to examine the texture of their
text and the tonality of the speaking subjects (which, surprisingly, shows a
remarkable change after our intervention) and expose how the discourse
threatens  to become a new incarnation of


We find
that the discursive politics unleashed by the proponents of the discourse
employ the following corrosive discursive strategies: 

 Cunning use of Semiotics
 Crafty Mix of Fiction with Truth
 Politics of Propaganda
 Fallacy Ad Hominem  



Cunning use of Semiotics 

proponents of the discourse use combinatory and associative hermeneutics to
engineer a public perception of the Church to suit their dubious agenda. As we
have pointed above, they mix the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Equality with
the real or fake stories of abuse of property in the Church and generate an
explosive hermeneutical cocktail. This designer hermeneutics constructs a
picture that all is not in the order of things with the Church. This picture is
further reinforced by a devious use of double voicings like “praying doves and
preying vultures”, “The Name of the Rose” or “the priest with konkan herbs”
primarily by Dr. Souza. But the explosive hermeneutical cocktail generated to 
a malign picture of the Church and her Leadership in Goa follows tooth and nail
the strategy of the master promoters of Neocolonialism.


mass-disintegrating forces of Neocolonialism manipulate the shared mental
environment of the people by skillfully shaping perceptions, creating
impressions, inducing beliefs and preparing their mindset to generate
consensus, in order to execute their hidden agenda and promote their vested
interests. At the global level, these manipulative catalyzing dynamics is
obvious  in the classic examples of the stage-managed
invasion of Iraq by the  allied forces led
by the USA and “Israel’s” lament of her Nazi past while ironically caging 
in Gaza’s ‘open-air concentration camps’. 


Crafty mix of Fiction and Reality

find that the plot of the novel of Umberto Eco, The Name of the Rose, which 
later was made into an Oscar-winning movie  is craftily used with malafide 
intention to
doctor the public perception of the Church and of a priest. This again proves
to be the favourite distortive strategy of the promoters of Neocolonialism.
What if we invert the plot that is proposed by Dr. Souza and suggest that the
brutal killer carries poison in his pen and is out to kill, destroy and paint
black anyone who is opposed to his point of view? We can already observe many
victims who are painted black in the context of this debate. 

also find that our ‘discourse analysis’ that deconstructed the assumptions of
the proponents was misconstrued by Dr. Souza as a Scholastic discourse. It 
that he has dishonoured both, Scholasticism and his alma mater ,the great
Rachol Seminary, by alleging that Scholastic philosophy  as taught in Rachol in 
his days has trained
him to paint his opponents black to win his argument, which appears that he now
piously follows. At the global level, we observe how Zionist propaganda manages
to deceive millions into believing that ‘Israel’ is a victim of hostile Arabs
hell-bent on subjugating it for being a Jewish State, exhibiting the strategy
of the unholy mixture of Fiction and Reality of Neocolonialism.  




Politics of Propaganda 

sites of the circulation of the proponents’ ideas of the discourse raise
important questions. We can notice that their discourse enjoys patronage in the
media. It is glaringly visible that their views occupy the prime space and
central coverage in our media, while their opponents have to project their
views in the margins. This shows that they have a nexus with the corporate
controlled mainstream media. This again links them with the promoters of
Neocolonialism who actively use propaganda tactics and control the media to
camouflage their evil designs and manufacture a public perception that will
garner them support or at least prevent opposition.  They believe that words 
can reshape reality
as long as one has a media megaphone to shout out and repeat the distortions ad 
nauseam. At the global level, this
strategy was used to perfection in the above-mentioned invasion of Iraq
by Neocolonial forces to manufacture public opinion in support of their designs
and blunt all brewing opposition. It was interesting to observe how those
countries in the West that  preach about
the freedom and independence of the ‘Fourth Estate’ became slaves and
propaganda spewing ‘mouthpieces’ of  the
Neocolonial lobbies – Oil, Arms, Zionist, etc. - that brought about the unjust
Iraq War.


Fallacy Argumentum
Ad Hominem

have seen that issues and persons have got muddled in this discourse. The
attack of persons rather than their views have become the main weapons of some
of the proponents. Dr. Souza, in particular, appears to have specialized in
this task of painting  others black so
unbecoming to a historian of his caliber. But his emotively driven manipulative
adventures have boomeranged on him as almost everyone who has read his writings
has taken offence to it. He has exposed himself and his ulterior motives by
attacking the persons holding prominent offices in the Church, ridiculing and
calling names to persons who do not agree with his perceptions and conveniently
escaping the embarrassment of  an apparent
inability to tackle their ideas. We would not be surprised if he also chooses
to attack our persons rather than our ideas. But this kind of a strategy drags
the proponents of the discourse into the camp of the promoters of 
Again in the global context, we see that this is a favoured strategy of
Neocolonialists who revel in demonizing those who are impediments to their
imperialist designs be they persons  -
such as Saddam, Ahmadinejad, Chavez, et
al - or nations, like Iraq, Iran and North Korea which were tagged as axis
of evil by the famous/notorious Bush and accused of promoting ‘Terrorism’ and
seeking ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ ( WMD’s ).


discourse analysis (with no links to Scholasticism) exposes the evil strategies
of the proponents of the discourse and demonstrates how they leave no stone
unturned to  bring about a social
engineering that can affect the public perception of the Church. But,
unfortunately, their manipulative tactics betray them and reveal that they are 
agents of Neocolonialism and not sincere agents of change in the Church. These
are the real modern-day WMD’s – WEAPONS OF MASS-DISINTEGRATION! Coincidentally,
the first wave of Colonialism in Goa came from Portugal and, as we are about to
mark its 500th year, we are being threatened with a second wave…..a
more destructive tsunami…not with Roses…but with the poisonous herbs of
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