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Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 18:09:47 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mervyn Lobo <mervynal...@yahoo.ca>

Michael Moore also points out that the people who caused the US banking system 
to collapse are now running (or is it ruining?) the US treasury.

Mario observes:

Those with functioning memories will remember that Mervyn and Michael Moore 
blindly supported the election of the US president responsible for this.

Mervyn wrote:

These are just scare stats, ala our good fiend, Mario, who claims that the 
scariest words he has heard is, "I am from the Govt and I am here to help," 
while at the same time, he is the main beneficiary of medical help from the 

Mario observes:

This is the kind of illogical balderdash that Mervyn embarrasses himself and 
Goanet with.

How can I be a "beneficiary" of a system that is projected to run out of money 
by 2017, which Mervyn's preferred US President is now threatening with a 
quicker demise by cutting $500 BILLION from its funding over ten years.

Besides, the proof that the scariest words in the English language are "I'm 
from the government and I'm here to help" lies in the ONE MILLION Canadians who 
are on waiting lists for surgery, another ONE MILLION on waiting lists to see a 
surgeon so they can get on a waiting list for surgery and FIVE MILLION without 
a primary care physician, and arrangements now being made for Canadians to be 
sent to the USn for urgent tests and procedures.

Mervyn wrote:

Here is how it works. When the US runs a budget surplus, the dollar is strong 
and gold is weak. When the US has to borrow money to pay for essential govt 
services AND pay for an unpopular war, the US dollar becomes weak and gold 
becomes strong. 

Mario observes:

More poppycock.  This reminds me of the time that Mervyn seriously explained 
that he had picked the lowest price of gold which was in the mid 80's by a) 
looking at price charts in 2008, b) by buying gold because he learned that all 
the central bankers were selling gold [Memo: when all the central bankers sell 
gold the price goes down, not up], and c) by working hard like when he was 
lobster catching champ in East Africa.

It's not that simple. When the US ran huge deficits during the Reagan years 
gold was fluctuating around $400 per ounce, between $300 and $500 per ounce.  
When we had a surplus in the 90's gold was between $300 and $400 per ounce.  
Towards the end of the Clinton administration when we still had a surplus, gold 
was below $300 an ounce.

Perhaps the war is unpopular for Mervyn who sits safely in Toronto.  Easy for 
him to say because he was not brutalized by either the Taliban or Saddam 

The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq would be over by now if the US efforts to 
liberate the 50 million innocent Muslims in these countries who have proven 
they want freedom and democracy in multiple elections got more support from 
these armchair critics who bray about "unpopular wars" while safely enjoying 
the fruits of freedom themselves.

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