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--- On Fri, 10/9/09, Gilbert Lawrence <gilbert2...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I thought Santosh was going to post ections
> from Priolkar's book for review and discussion.  I have
> not seen any.  But may be I missed them.

I had said I would write my own review of the book, which I will when I have 
some free time to do justice to it. I have already commented on Buchanan's mild 
account, reproduced in its entirety by Priolkar. Buchanan was another man 
Frederick had tried to smear and misrepresent in this forum, along with 

>Some defend using Dellon's account (which I have not read) as being a 
>>victim's account. This has minor validity. This is like trying to know >about 
>cholera by reading the account of a patient. 

Strange logic! How about a rape victim's account of a rape committed against 
her? Would that be of minor validity, as well?

I thought a good physician learned a lot about a disease from a patient's 
description of his/her own symptoms.

> I am sorry about "a well known Christian research scholar
> too has endorsed this". This shows that scholars can make
> basic mistakes in judgment. Nothing new!!! I am glad M.
> D'mello and and FN are bold and have stood up. 

Incredible! Please note the emphasis on the religion of this research scholar 
and the posture of D'Mello and Noronha. This statement should tell us 
everything we need to know what this is all about.

I had provided the endorsements of not one, but two eminent scholars, Gerald 
Moser and Charles Boxer. I do not know what religion they belonged to. The 
scholarly journals did not mention it because it should be of no consequence, 
if one is solely interested in the dispassionate, unvarnished, unwhitewashed 

But any objective person would like to know what contributions to historical 
scholarship on the inquisition have Maurice D'Mello, Frederick Noronha and 
Gilbert Lawrence made for which they are standing up on Goanet, and opposing 
real historians. What profound independent insights have they achieved which 
lead them to believe that genuine historians and scholars have made basic 

M. D'Mello wrote:
> Is this a revised addition? If not, more and more will deem
> that this is the truth about inquisition in Goa as this
> book heavily relies on Dellon's biased account in the first
> place. 

The above tells me that D'Mello has not read Priolkar's book. The book relies 
on the works of 50 named scholars and one anonymous work. Regarding Dellon and 
Buchanan, Priolkar simply reprints their accounts in Part II of his book.

>Unless some one brings out the truth, I am sorry to say, this will be the 
>>impression of the Inquisition.

How does this man decide what the truth is?

Noronha wrote:
> AK Priolkar's The Goa Inquisition (new edition). A book
> that has shaped the understanding of the Goa Inquisition,
> specially within South Asia, though I do not agree with its
> portrayal. 

Why does Noronha not agree with Priolkar's portrayal based on the works of 50 
historians and scholars? What does he know that nobody else does?




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