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Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2009 18:51:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mervyn Lobo <mervynal...@yahoo.ca>

I am with the camp that wonders what Obama did to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize.

Mario observes:

If you follow some credible sources of news, which I know is hard to do where 
you live, you may see that many of Obama's liberal friends, who used to take 
this award seriously, are wondering the same and are embarrassed and some have 
urged him to turn it down.  Especially after the equally embarrassing snub last 
week in Copenhagen, where he and his wife's speeches showed they thought the 
Olympics were all about THEM.

This was like a salesman trying to convince someone to buy what he is selling 
because it will benefit the salesman!  Pretty amazing.

But, why are is anyone surprised about the Nobel Peace Prize after the recent 
choices of Jimmy Carter, Yasser Arafat, Kofi Annan, Mohammad El Baradei and Al 
Gore, all of whom had made the world less safe by emboldening the enemies of 
America?  Obama is a combination of all these folks, on steroids, as we can see 
from the accelerated hostile actions of N. Korea, Iran, Russia, Libya, 
Venezuela, etc. all of whom have nothing to fear as long as Obama is in charge.

Until 2013, it is Israel that is the default leader of the free world.

Just look at how long Obama is dawdling and dithering over a simple request by 
the Genaral he appointed in Afghanistan for additional resources, AFTER HE KEPT 
the request with no decision in sight.  He's playing politics with the lives of 
American soldiers in Afghanistan.  No wonder the Nobel Peace Prize Committee 
was so impressed.  This is just what they like from a US president.

Besides, it was you, who is still struggling to learn how the health care 
system in the country you live in works for people who are seriously ill, who 
supported his election.  So, what are you going on about?

The Norwegians obviously picked someone who they hope will make the US more 
like them - physically and economically weak and of no use to anyone who is 
oppressed.  Come to think of it, this is also more like Canada.  They LIKE what 
he said he would do during the campaign.  What they don't know is that he says 
what the people in front of him want to hear, and then conveniently forgets 
about it when his audience changes.

Mervyn wrote:

Now the reason for this post.?
I think Obama should have won the Nobel prize for economics. 
Anyone who could stop the rot George Bush (43) set into the US economy really 
deserves that economic prize. Obama has put a stop to the downward economic 
spiral the US was in. Turning that economy around i.e. turning the budget 
deficits from the position it is into a positive one really requires the 
strength of a dozen of the Greek Gods. ??

Mario responds:

Aye, aye, aye!  So much misinformation, so little time!  You seem to know about 
as little about the US economic system, where you don't live, as you do about 
the Canadian health care system, where you do live.  You really need to start 
following some credible sources of information.

It was Obama's party that passed the Community Reinvestment Act and it was his 
party that imposed the government regulations that caused the rot in the US 
economy.  The banks later joind in the tamasha to get the regulators off their 
backs.  George Bush and John McCain tried to stop them but were obstructed by 
the Democrats as illustrated by this report.


Listen carefully.  You may even learn something.

Bush 43 had actually engineered a recovery from the recession he inherited from 
Bill Clinton by cutting tax rates while making the US safe after 9/11.  In 
addition, he led the liberation of 50 million innocent Muslims in Iraq and 
Afghanistan, much to your chagrin, while most of the rest of the world, 
including Obama and his party, sat on their hands or tried to obstruct him, and 
cheered for the US to fail. 

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