* G * O * A * N * E * T **** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible


Ashburn Pereira posted the following from Ashburn & Leron Pereira:

1: Countless promises were given to Goans by the Indian Government but
all these were eventually turned down

2: India even tried to impose the non-Goan rule of Maharastra in Goa

3: Even the renowned Goan journalist Frank Moraes felt ashamed to be
an Indian because of the non-beneficial policies imposed by India

4: The letters sent by us true Goans, Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão,
Ashburn Pereira, and Leron Pereira never got published on O Heraldo on
1st Oct. ’09, so I ask what is R F Fernandes and Ashwin Tombat and the
whole editorial group of O Heraldo trying to prove?


My dear Ashburn & Leron Pereira,

There are many points in your post which are accurate. However, I am
more than a little puzzled by #s 1-3 above.

May I ask if you have any firm evidence to substantiate those comments?

I will submit here that #s 1-3 (above) can be classified as being
distinctly false.

Must say that in this matter, If I were working for the Herald, I too
would dump your letter into the bin.

I wonder what made you juxtaposition some facts with the above non-facts.


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