Dr. Renato Gracias was a family friend as well as family doctor. He treated
both my parents till their last days.Dr Gracias was a goan to the core. He
loved all things goan and during his stewardship of the Poona Goans
Institute he did a lot to bring Goa to the goans of Poona. He was a simple
unassuming person despite the high positions he held in public life.He was a
humanitarian and gave a lot of his time to charity and the poor. He spoke
English with a clear Portuguese accent and it was a pleasure to hear him
speak. One thing, I will always remember him for was that he would do the
daily marketing for his family and that he rarely used private or public
transport. One would always find him walking- whether to Church or to the
market or to his workplace, Maybe, that is one of the secrets to his

Another goan stalwart who passed away just last month was Dr Victor
Fernandes, hailing from Parra. He too was a goan to the core. He was a
friend, doctor and counsellor to the numerous konkani speaking goans
especially from the lower middle class of Poona. He was actively involved in
many charitable activites and was the house doctor for the various trusts,
old age homes and orphanages. Incidentally, Valmiki please note, his son Fr
Stanny Fernandes sj. is presently working in Afghanistan. Yet aother goan

I extend my condolences to both the bereaved families and eapecially to
Mario the youngest son of Dr Gracias and my classmate at St Vincent's. May
their souls rest in peace.



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