By: Bennet Paes
Assolna, Goa.
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Before the British arrived, the so-called India was only a bunch of princely 
states, each one with a language of its own. To-day, the  language that 
realistically binds them all is English – not Hindi, or any other.
In my opinion the best solution to the issue of languages in schools in India 
should be this: 
let each State make English as a compulsory medium of instruction, with either 
Hindi or the mother tongue of that State as optional. Tall order? No, even the 
slum-dwellers’ parents now want their children to be educated in English, 
because that’s the route Danny Boyle opened up to them to become millionaires. 
And that’s the writing on the wall.
English is the official language of over 50 sovereign nations of the world, and 
is either compulsory second language or spoken predominantly in almost all the 
Americans speak English in their own accent, quite distinct from the British. 
So do the Australians, Canadians, Ugandans, Jamaicans, etc. That’s on all the 
six continents of the world. So Indians can do the same, as millions are 
already doing it now, and be a part of what is today a ‘global village’. 
Remember, perhaps the only edge we have over rival China, is our literacy in 
English language which prompts overseas corporations to unload some of their 
valuable work over here and help boost our economy. Imagine what heights the  
Indian genius could take us to, if we became another English literate nation on 
the planet.
And here’s an irony - The British, they say, left India divided. But it’s their 
language that leaves us united and prospering, too. Think  about it!
Footnote: What’s in an oath? Whether in Marathi or Mandarin, our Politicians 
would not abide by it, anyway.

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