According to Xri Antonio Menzes, 95% of Goans had no education or lived in 
poverty. In his frequent articles Xri Domnic Fernandes tells us an other story. 
Who should we believe?
Deva amcam pauh!

The Mhars provided the traditional music bands in the village for the Hindu 
procession and religious festivities amongst Hindus and Catholics.

As we all know, during pre-liberation era, every village in Goa had a Parochial 
school attached to a Church, where village boys were taught music notes as well 
basic schooling, which enabled them to read and write.

In the past, the formal teaching of music was very important, especially in the 
Parochial schools first established in 1545 by the Viceroy Dom João de Castro, 
in the elementary schools first established in Goa in 1831 by decree of the 
Portuguese government. Access to these elementary schools was, however, very 
restricted, granted only to families of the Goan social elite.

For commoners the Church School known as Parochial School was part of the life. 
type of schools lasted till the end of the Portuguese rule.

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