Dear Dr Dias,
I do not want to engage in a public mudslinging match. That is not doing any 
good to either of our reputations. This is my last post on the matter so let me 
quickly make my points.

1. You burst onto Goanet and use words such as slander and libel. To slander is 
to lie, perpetuate a falsity with malice. I have done no such thing. This is 
unjust to my own reputation. I have stated a historical fact that your 
grandfather was under "minor surveillance" by the British counsel. You or 
anyone else who wishes to verify this fact, may go to the National Archives in 
Kew, Richmond, UK and do so. In good faith, I give you the file no. FO 
371/31136. Everything I have stated is sourced from this file. Incidentally I 
was not doing any research on your family. I chanced upon it whilst researching 
something else more than a year ago. I just stated it on Goanet because it was 
relevant to the discussion we were having at the time.

2. Are you entirely sure that your grandfather would want you to defend him in 
such a manner? It seems to me that your grandfather was a courageous and daring 
man and fully invested in his own political convictions. Why are you now 
denying him his courage? How courageous this man was to go against commonly 
held views and pursue his own path in life, keep his own company. I wonder if 
he knew that he was being watched but even if he did, I doubt he would have 
cared little. Don't do this to your grandfather's memory.

3. I don't understand what significance my postal address has to you? Unless 
there is a thinly disguised threat in there somewhere. Surely you don't want to 
be seen threatening another Goan on a public forum into silence just because 
something is disagreeable to you. Recently we had the speaker of the assembly 
threatening a writer in Goa into silence. It seems that we Goans are losing 
more and more of our freedom every day.

If you wish any more assistance from my side in unearthing archived 
information, I shall be happy to help in whatever capacity I can but please do 
contact me in private.


--- On Wed, 11/18/09, Luis Dias <> wrote:

> From: Luis Dias <>
> Subject: Re: Goan veterans
> To: "Goanet" <>,, "Carvalho" 
> <>
> Date: Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 2:42 AM
> Dear Selma,
> I accept your apology, but again the rest of your post
> sounds far from apologetic.


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