Date: Wed, 23 Dec 2009 19:59:03 +0000
From: Carmen Miranda <>

1 - There were 192 countries and heads of goverment in the Copenhagen
Climate Conference. Fancy you noticing only Mugabe and Chavez! As it turned out 
Chavez made some very good interventions, but you wouldn't understand

Mario responds:

What caught my eye was that these two despicable communist tyrants, Robert 
Mugabe and Hugo Chavez, who preside over two countries with considerable 
natural resources which their policies have squandered and wasted, causing 
untold misery for millions of their citizens, received the largest applause at 
this farcical conference in Copenhagen for calling capitalism a failed system, 
and yet demanding that the capitalists pay them and their failed economies to 
clean up their environments.

Carmen is correct that I would not understand "interventions" by a despicable 
communist tyrant who runs a country with considerable oil resources so badly 
that it has a 60% poverty rate.  I'm sorry to see that  Carmen apparently 
appreciates this corrupt communist tyrant, even as she opposes the corrupt 
tyrants running Goa.

The goal of the Copenhagen farce was clearly to bring the western economies 
down towards the lowest common denominator and to redistribute their wealth to 
inefficient economies where mostly socialist dictators would use the funds to 
consolidate their tyranny, and to do so through scurrilous means using 
controversial and unprovable scientific predictions as their basis.

There is no guarantee that any of the wealth so transferred would be used for 
the purposes intended given why these countries are impoverished in the first 
place - misguided economic policies administered by dictators who excel in 
making themselves rich.

Carmen wrote: 

2 - The IPCC is a scientific body. 

Mario responds:

This is false.  The IPCC is a political organization and its final summary 
conclusions on climate change that then get widely reported by the media are 
written under the supervision of political hacks.  It employs teams of 
scientists who study different issues but rarely interact with each other and 
the vast majority of scientists have no involvement in the final reports.

The way the IPCC operates and how it develops its reports would be laughed out 
of existence at any credible institution of higher learning.

Carmen writes:

3 - As for your irrational  hatred of Al Gore, it is not surprising given
that you are probably a Republican or at least sound like one? Besides, the 
judgement about showing The Inconvenient Truth  in schools or the 
Judge a climate scientist by any chance? No! 

Mario responds:

My rational criticism of Al Gore - not "irrational hatred" as Carmen falsely 
alleges - is based on the fact that he is a proven charlatan on climate change 
interested only in lining his own pockets.  Mr. Gore is also a hypocrite on the 
issue of carbon footprints and was found to have a personal carbon footprint 
that exceeded in a month what an average American was accused of having in a 
whole year.

Al Gore has made millions by selling bogus carbon credits to the gullible with 
little or no accountability of what is being done with the money, while 
refusing to debate anyone on the subject, preferring to use his blind 
supporters to try and shut up his critics.  Sadly, the escalating disclosures 
are all going against Al Gore and the scientists he selectively chooses to 
believe, and his policy prescriptions would destroy the world economy while not 
even achieving his goals of controlling the so-called greenhouse gases.

The British High Court judge heard testimony from scientists on both sides of 
the climate change controversy before ruling that Al Gore had deliberately 
included NINE brazen falsehoods in his film without any qualification after 
knowing they were false.  The judge required high school kids to be warned 
about these falsehoods and said that the film was clearly a propaganda film.

In spite of this we recently heard Al Gore continue to implausibly defend one 
of his nine falsehoods, that polar bears are endangered due to climate change, 
even though their numbers have INCREASED considerably.

Carmen wrote:

I recommend you see another film however - *The Age of Stupid* which is very 
appropriate for people with your mentality. It will shock you into the reality 
of climate change for once and for all.

Mario responds:

Wouldn't the really stupid people be the ones who insisted that the global 
temperature was rising throughout the last decade, whereas it was not?

Carmen apparently confuses factless bluster and puerile insults with 
intelligence and knowledge on a serious and complex subject.  This attitude 
puts Carmen on the same side of the debate as Al Gore, Rajendra Pachauri, 
Robert Mugabe and Hugo Chavez.  Not good company to be in.

Carmen wrote:

Last but not least, I will *not engage anymore in any further
discussions*no matter what you write in reply, but I wish you a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Mario responds:

It is just as well that you have decided to stop embarrassing yourself and 
showing that you simply believe on faith what science has been unable to prove 
conclusively so far - a complex situation where even major climate scientists 
are still debating their findings and have different points of view.

Merry Winter Solstice to all those who believe that humans are causing climate 
change and the sky is falling, and a Happy and cooler New Year to everyone, 
with the sky firmly in place!

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