Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2009 14:21:36 -0700
From: Rumba_Pete <>

Thank you Mario Goveia, for that excellent link! (
Environmentalists have always wanted to hijack the world with their
seriously flawed ideology. In artfully packaging environmentalism to seem
like any major world religion, they have succeeded beyond their wildest
dreams of destroying the world's economy.

Mario responds:

Rumba Pete?  Is this a another nickname specially approved by the powers that 
be in violation of the Goanet Rules?

With all due respect, Rumba Pete, I am one of those who feels queasy when I 
don't know the identity of a poster in a public forum such as Goanet.  I have 
let the moderators and others who use nicknames like Xanno Moidekar or JoeGoaUK 
know what I think, so I must let you know as well.  When the referees start 
making selective and capricious exceptions to the rules, where does it stop? 

This is nothing personal and neither is it a reflection on what the individuals 
have written.  For example, I have found little or nothing to take issue with 
in Xanno's or Joe's posts, or with this post of yours either, where you have 
actually agreed with me. 

My personal request is for all those who are using nicknames to come out into 
the sunlight, so that the rest of us are not, in effect, talking to some 
anonymous person behind a curtain.

Now back to your comments.

I have long believed that the environmental extremists are quite different from 
rational environmentalists who want us to be good stewards of the environment 
for the benefit of our general health and quality of life and the benefit of 
our future generations.  Thus I support emissions that are filtered of 
particulates and toxic gases that would endanger our health, re-forestation 
when trees need to be cut down, sensible urban planning so as not to destroy 
water tables, normal flows of rainwater, streams, etc., sensible urban planning 
which does not let inappropriate construction and garish signs and billboards 
to destroy the ambience of roads and highways and historic buildings, 
rehabilitation of open pit mines through landscaping and re-planting after the 
ore has been depleted, and so on.

Virtually all the environmental extremists today used to be extreme socialists 
until the world began to realize that extreme socialism made no sense.  Now 
they want to try through the back door of environmentalism what they failed to 
achieve through socialism, a sort of world-government not accountable to anyone 
to redistribute wealth from the producers of wealth to those who squander their 
wealth and resources, while benefitting themselves, the controlling elite, 
whose only skill is the achievement of political power.

The new President of the EU recently let the cat out of the bag:

This report even has a video so you can hear him in his own words.

The good news is that they have not succeeded yet in destroying the world 
economy, even as they have acquired a powerful ally in the new US President, 
Barack Hussein Obama.  Their over-reaching and overconfidence has resulted in a 
backlash that will inhibit if not defeat their plans.  In the US this is 
manifesting itself in a continuing decline in the president's approval ratings 
as more and more people begin to realize where his policies are leading to:

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