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                        Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Date: Tue, 5 Jan 2010 22:56:25 -0800 (PST)
From: Samir Kelekar <samir_kele...@yahoo.com>

More important than legal, you have no moral right because you have discarded 
the most basic and fundamental privilege that a country can ever confer on one, 
namely its citizenship.

Mario observes:

To begin with I'm glad to see that the Goanet moderators have become more 
lenient in the use of invective.  We now frequently see descriptive terms like 
crap, shit, bullshit and whore used with gay abandon.  I remember the good old 
days when I had a post rejected by describing some poppycock as poppycock:-))  
But I digress.

As a proud American who is also proud of my Goan-Bhayya heritage, the comment 
above is what I would consider a decent sized cake formed by Samir of 
intestinal waste product from the male bovine species, where Samir is 
insinuating that he is more-Goan-than-Rajan.

Did Samir choose India out of all the countries in the world so that he could 
be a proud Indian and a self-described Goan activist who is so committed to Goa 
that he lives in Bengalooru?  Did India choose Samir to be on its team and 
confer citizenship on him?  The answer to both these deeply incisive and 
insightful questions is, NO!

The fact is that Samir is an Indian BY PURE CHANCE.  He became a citizen 
without doing anything, simply by virtue of a biological crapshoot.  If he has 
anyone to thank for being a proud Indian it is his parents - he just went along 
for the ride. 

Now Rajan, on the other hand, also an Indian by virtue of a biological 
crapshoot, after growing up and looking around, after much prayer and fasting 
and contemplation of his navel, consciously CHOSE to become an American, and 
had to jump through hoops to do so.  He is an American BY INTELLIGENT CHOICE.

Now, after the supremely wise Manmohanji pushed through a special category od 
dual citizenship called an Overseas Citizen of India, specifically to benefit 
India and aimed at high-value Indian-born human persons who had assumed foreign 
nationalities for all kinds of personal reasons not the least of which were 
green bucks, Rajan once again CHOSE to become an Overseas Citizen of India.  He 
is an overseas Indian BY INTELLIGENT CHOICE, with full legal, financial and 
moral rights conferred by the all-knowing Manmohanji, except the right to vote 
and own farmland.

Samir wrote:

It is a shame that it was done in preference to green bucks. This also shows 
your (lack of) commitment to India;

Mario responds:

Unless Samir has become a Sadhu while we were not looking, did he show a (lack 
of) committment to Goa by starting his big bucks business in Bengalooru and not 
Verna, after studying and working, and then doing business in the same country 
that Rajan chose to become a citizen of?  Wasn't an Indian university good 
enough for Samir?  Wasn't Verna good enough for Samir?  Aren't Indian clients 
not good enough for Samir?

Samir wrote:

push comes to shove you are going to vamoosh (sic) to America.

Mario asks:

If push comes to shove, I'm sure Rajan will be nice enough to arrange for Samir 
to vamoose to the US too:-))  That's what Americans do.  Help people, not just 
talk about it.

Samir wrote:

If indeed you are committed to Goa, you have one option to redeem yourself.
Discard this OCI bullshit, and get back your Indian citizenship.  That way you 
will be not just hailed as a hero, but it will also show to one and all your 
commitment to Goa and India.

Mario observes:

I think this implied contest that Samir has started of being 
more-Goan-than-thou should focus on who has done more for Goa, Samir or Rajan.  
I have no idea.

I wonder what Carmen thinks of all this?

Is Samir going to lead the Goandolan peaceful grass-roots revolution in Goa, or 
is Rajan?  Please submit your applications to Floriano:-))

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