                     **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

                        Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Dear Netters,

I dont usually get involved in all that goes on Goanet, but I noticed there has 
been lots of 'arguments' about  'Who is a Goan' or not or otherwise. Lots of 
mud-slinging included.
For me a niz Goencar is one who is a Goan, whether residing in Goa or not. But 
more importantly who can and DOES speak Konkanim.
Where ever I go I come across most people speaking their own languages. Most 
Goans I have come across speak English, Portuguese and even German.
When I ask them "tum Konkanim uloitai?"  I get a rather vague  'yes'. but they 
want to continue in English.
The only Konkanim I hear is from people in Goa and those that are working in 
the Gulf, but the latter too want to speak English. Most of our professed 
Goenkars are perhaps the rare species that DO NOT WANT to speak our language.
I enjoy the letters that are written in 'Goa-speak' though they can be a bit 
Perhaps I tend to speak our language because having left schooling @ sixteen my 
 English vocabulary (self taught) is rather limited.
There you have it you "Goencars"!!!


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