Dear Brother and Sister R G's.

 It is a common perception among NRGs, that :

1. Each and every one of our RGs is a good-for-nothing waiting only for a
hand out from the NRG brothers and sisters and waiting with an open mouth
for the next visa to fall from their NRG relations.
2. Goa is a mess and that we are incapable of doing anything about it. But
they forget, that it is we and only we that can effectively change what is
happening in Goa. They can only preach and give us advice which is based on
their own frame of reference which no longer holds validity in the reality
of Goa today.
3. So Goa is corrupt. So Goa has open cast mines. America has no corruption?
Nor Britain, nor France, nor Germany, nor Australia? So you my dear NRG
friends will have me and my other gullible brothers believe that these
countries are pristine. Of course  you have corruption but it is guised in a
semblance of legality like the CEO of a company (I think it was Lehman Bros)
who took millions just to liquidate the company. And no, there is no Mafia -
these hoods belong to backward countries like India and in particular the
state of Goa. There is no open cast mining? What about the rape of the land
in the American coal mines? What about the human tragedy that we read about?
And what about the destruction to the environment that has been caused by
the west. Our NRG irmaoes endorse these things - after all the West can do
no wrong. What about the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki even when
the Americans knew that the Japanese were losing the war - that was
4.We can only be saved by the advice rather the 'pontificating' of some NRGs
from their comfort zones.
5. Please don't call foren Goans 'bootlickers' it hurts their pride,Use
'toadies' or some such term.
6. Please don't remind the NRGs - at least those who pontificate on Goanet
that they are 'second class' citizens of their newly acquired nationalities
7. Please remind the NRGs that they are free to go walkabout in Harlem,
Soho, etc whenever they feel like. It is perfectly safe.
8. Please don't ever tell them, 'Mid pleasures and palaces though we may
roam,Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home;'


Tony de Sa
M   : +91 9975 162 897
Ph. : +91 832 2470 148


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