JoeGoaUk wrote:
> We as parishioners, can’t deny the fact that not is all well with some of 
> our  shepherds, we know it yet we choose to remain silent simply 
> because no one said anything against them for ages or due to fear 
> of excommunication etc

First of all, let me congratulate you for attempting to tackle a thorny subject.

For some reason, Catholics, all over the world, are hesitant to expose their
priests that have gone astray. When these 'strayers' are pointed out, the
Catholic church drags its feet rather than clean its house. In the west, 
the courts are not afraid to try the 'religious' that break civic laws.

I grew up in a Catholic church in Africa that did a lot of good work. I still 
think that 
95% of the Catholic priests/nuns are intent on providing for those in need. 
there are people who are abusing their 'religious' power. This abuse will only 
worse as the abusers are now finding out that even when they are 
it is extremely rare for any religious organization to take the appropriate 
As for your comment on ex-communication, I guess it's still a potent force in 
In my opinion, any religious organization that has to use fear to keep its 
in place is in trouble. 

> A section of the parishioners there do not attend the church despite 
> being  the church is very near to where they live (including top or well 
> know villagers).
> And why they do that?
> No, they did not join any religious sect, (they are still clinging on to 
> the Catholic faith) but  what they say is there are not happy with their 
> shepherd’s unacceptable behaviour or activities such as 
> amassing wealth, lending money, owning cars, flats, socializing 
> with the youth including late night drinking, 
> involving with politicians, woman company  etc.

Once again, there are only a few 'rogue elements' in the church and yet for 
some unfathomable reason, the Catholic church refuses to cleanse itself. 
Personally, I think that anyone who has understood the message of Christ 
need not go to church every Sunday. If s/he he is true a follower of Christ, 
the person would have learnt to live and behave like Christ.
My disappointment on the Colva situation is that the church bells were
rung to call the 'faithful' to action. And the action was for the 'faithful' to 
and stone someones house. This seems to be of no concern to the head 
of the Catholic church in Goa.
Mervyn Lobo
PS. Before anyone starts speculating, I am Catholic. The only time the 
Catholic church has disappointed me before was when they refused to 
baptize my child because her mother is non-Catholic. The irony of the
situation was that for the previous 30 years, I had contributed generously 
for the missions that were converting people to Catholism. I got around 
the baptism situation by bringing in my Jesuit uncle from India to baptize 
the child. 

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