> Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 12:33:12 +0000
> From: xanno_moide...@yahoo.co.uk
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Subject: [Goanet] Blessed Jose Vaz and Padr Agnelo
> 500 odd years of Catholicism and not one canonisation.  We are stranded with 
> two semi-saints and no light at the end of the tunnel.
> Why?
> I have my theories. Here goes:
> (1)   The church in Goem is divided.  Caste having been such a huge part of 
> our lives, we have yet to exorcise this ghost.  It is time the head of the 
> church in Goem does something dramatic nay drastic to right this wrong.

In the Church in Goa is there really a division or a difference of opinion: The 
one can be vicious...detrimental to
the edifice; the other, healthy and constructive.

If at all you are hankering after...dramatic...drastic aaction you have ample 
scope attending the Vidhan Sabha... 

> (2)   Goemcars do not have sufficient financial clout to sway the power 
> brokers in Rome.

Do they not? You will be surprised how many positions of high- & mid-level 
significance, in the Vatican, are
held by Goans....and, according to their peers, most successfully executed.
> (3)   There are no Goemcar nuns catering at the Vatican, unlike Kerala. Their 
> nuns I believe literally run the papal household.  Keralites are getting 
> canonised in droves.
Goodness gracious me...what silly tales have reached you, or, you are fancying? 
At the time of a canonisation, some years ago, when living accomodation, around 
the Vatican, was nigh impossible, I & family, were put up by Goan nuns, at the 
convent of San Giuseppe di Aparazione, a stone throw from the Vatican walls, on 
Via Paulo lll, a grand place in a spacious luscious park.

The hosting nun excused herself from personally attending us, being related, 
because, due to the exigencies of the canonisation she, "and her girls", Goan 
nuns most of them had been given extraordinary duties. I met many others during 
our week-long stay, all of them variously engaged in the Vatican. I visited 
two, in "our" compound, elderly nuns, retired after long service there.

There are many (in this case, literally 'droves'), of nuns from Kerala, working 

Runing the the Papal household is quite another kettle of fish. Who has ever, 
besides perhaps, Dan Brown in his 
fantasies, toured the said premisses. 

I, presume, without personal inspection, that the Papal household, like any 
other palatial or otherwise, would require any number of services: From 
attending to the Pontiffs personal needs to those of the scullery.

Keralites are not, have not been, canonised in droves. There is just one 
Keralan, Santa Alphonsa, cannonized in 2008.

Yes, there have, indeed, been  "500 odd years of Catholicism" in Goa.

But, perhaps, you are overlooking, or ignorant, that Kerala has been Christian, 
quite an exemplary one despite most caste-astrigent, for the past two millenia 
plus. Ever hear of Thomas, the Apostle? He, himself, has been credited to have 
baptized the first Christians, in Karala, with the same hand that he had, at 
the invitation of his Master, plunged into the speared wound, in Jesus' side.

> (4)   The church in Goem needs a crash course in public relations.

Have you attempted to offer your services...do you really feel qualified? If 
you so desire & are unaware how to go about it apply to the excellent Fr. 
Joaquim Loiola, at the Patriarchal Palace; at best you may receive a, not 
crash, but indepth, course in'nit from him.
> (5)     Goemcars are evil or maybe just not holy enough.
Please, mon, pray speak for yourself...

> I may be wrong.  But then what other reasons can there be?

That you, most certainly, are...well off the bend...
> Mother Theresa.  John Paul 2.  Great people.  I love them.  But sainthood in 
> under a decade?
> The Roman Catholic Church cannot find one, one Goemcar; fit for the greatest 
> honour it can bestow?
> Sincerely
> Xanno Moidecar

A parting shot: A pseudonym, may be OK in dealing trash, hardly the matter your 
are, so clumsily, trying to tackle.

Yours, through the Blessed José Vaz,
Alfred de Tavares,
Stockholm, 2010-01-16

0046 8925 4091
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