Selma wrote:

The paradoxically complex and yet facile topic of Non-Resident Goans versus 
Resident Goans continued on Goanet. I can think of several Non-Resident Goans, 
such as Victor Rangel Ribeiro, Francis Newton Souza, Assis de Correira, Armando 
Menezes, to name a few, who contributed richly towards Goa's intellectual 
capital. The strength of Goa has always been this intimate collaboration and 
understanding between the sons and daughters of its soil, wherever they maybe 
based. Poet and writer         Armando Menezes perhaps articulated it best on 
the eve of the historic opinion poll when he said: "Loving our country we have 
gone into exile; but though we soared, we did not roam: our hearts like the 
skylark's, were ever in our little nests.

Tony de Sa wrote:

That's telling, Selma. Contrast this contribution with that of the big DADA
( a la Idi Amin) of Goanet.
What you get is hot air like a burst of flatus.

Mario observes:

Your comment is very embarrassing, Tony, because the flatulence is actually 
coming from your direction, and I have to once again explain what we are 
talking about here.

I'm not sure why Selma thinks the topic of NRGs and RGs working together is 
"complex and yet facile" - which is like saying that at night it is dark and 
yet light.  Sounds like a flight of fancy, trying to sound profound and 
wise:-)) To me it sounds like simple common sense that NRGs and RGs would have 
the same concerns while observing the mess in Goa.

And, while Selma mentions a number of old timers who she says have contributed 
"intellectual capital", the sweat and financial capital that Carmen, Rajan, 
George, Arwin, Anil, etc. are contributing is no less important in today's Goa 
that is going to hell in a handbasket due to bribery and corruption and 
destruction of the environment.

It is Samir and you who injected a tone of discord and dissension where there 
was none before with your furious assault on NRGs who wanted to help address 
the mess in Goa, impugning their citizenship and motives, claiming they have no 
credentials to help in Goa, running down their countries as racist and crime 
ridden, and on and on.

You see, Selma is saying that NRGs and RGs have worked closely together in the 
past, regardless of their citizenship.  This is exactly what I, the big DADA (a 
la Idi Amin) and lone voice of reason, truth and peace on Goanet have been 
suggesting all along that NRGs and RGs should be doing.

She is saying exactly the opposite of what you and Sammir have been huffing and 
puffing about.

Next time please aim your bomb in some other direction:-))


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