By God Eddie, you want to re-invent the wheel !

Remember the Ticket-gate scam of Dayanand Narvekar?
What happened to him?
He is now building a brand new cricket stadium in Tivim's agricultural fields and part of the declared forest.

And he has been voted in despite all of this and more.


PS1: I suggest you go thro' goasuraj constitution and the Road Map available above for download

PS2: Let us GOANS fight Dirty Politics and Dirty Politicians. Let us change
the OPERATING SYSTEM. Let us join the  'PPS' brigade. Let us adorn our
2/4-wheelers with 'PPS' stickers. Let us show solidarity with the movement
with conviction that  ' We Shall Overcome '

PPS: PEOPLE for POLITICAL SANITY .... Goa's Need of the Hour
[Note: Stickers now available at CHAMPS Sports Shoppe -  MAPUSA (Clinic
Road) - PANJIM (Opp. Municipal Garden)  -  MARGAO (New Market)

----- Original Message ----- From: "manuel tavares" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 8:14 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Deplorable Goan Politicians

All of us who have been writing on the net about the corrupt politicians and other corrupt officials currently responsible for running the various aspects of life in Goa continue to hammer at the rampant Corruption and Dishonesty of the political Strata in Goa. This has not dissuaded these Corrupt Scoundrels from perpetrating their deeds which they continue with impunity. I think we now have to resort to other tactics. I would like to suggest that we publish the deeds of these Corrupt operatives naming them personally and exposing their corruption and the financial rewards they would expect to receive from each of their corrupt dealings so that the whole of Goa will know the extent of their deeds and throw them out of office at the earliest possible opportunity. Any other Suggestions?????

Manuel ( Eddie) Tavares.

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