Anill Desai writes:
>1) The attack on NRGs and Rajan was in response to Rajan's attack
on Oscar which appeared in Herald.
Response: This shows that Oscar Rebello, you and your father have one common
link, Digambar Kamat. Since Oscar played Footsie with him, since you are
hoping to get sops from him and since your father heads a unique NGO that
has the head of goa government as one of the officebearers and had has
received hundreds of thousands of rupees from a debt ridden government, it
>is not surprising that you have to show solidarity with Oscar.
Let me clear this point. I am going to Digambar Kamat as a CM of a state that I
belong to and I care about. I am spending my hard earned money to make several
trips to Goa so that I can create jobs in Goa, certainly a much better endeavour
than throwing some pounds as charity and giving one's services to a foreign 
Certainly, the job that I am doing or trying to do is much more challenging and
doing a mere job in the UK. Besides, in India it is very tough to make ends by
itself. I am working in such circumstances. I dont want complaints
by someone who doesnt work in my country
and all he does is throws some crumbs at Goa. What Goa needs is valuable time
of people, and I am spending it. NRGs can help in the work that I am doing by
giving business to companies in Goa. If you can help in that, let us work 
Otherwise, if you cant, at least dont throw spanners in the work.
The dire need for Goa right now is jobs in  a sustainable area.
MARG spends government money for a noble purpose, and not for personal
luxuries of my father. We are both working in our country where we are not 
big money at for rendering our services unlike you. I have conscicously decided 
work in my country unlike you, even when I have an opportunity to work abroad.
Digambar Kamat as the CM is the common link for all Goan citizens.

>2) My point was that Rajan being a US citizen has been an opportunist
person and now he wants to interfere in Goan politics. I stand
by the fact that as a US citizen he has no political rights in
India and needs to change his citizenship. Obvioulsy, none of
the NRGs even talked about the latter point, probably because
opportunists dont consider that important. I indeed even went
to the extent saying that Rajan would be a hero if he
changed back
his citizenship and plunged into fixing Goa. How about discussing
this aspect of it? Can one for instance have a Portuguese citizenship
and get politically involved in Goa ?

Response: I did respond to this point. Probably it was difficult for you to
understand. I gave you my own example, which I will repeat: I hold Indian
citizenship. I do not have voting rights in India. However, I do have
political rights in India. I do have voting right for council, parliamentary
and European elections in the UK. The point is: you should not confuse
voting rights with political rights.
Rajan, like me pays taxes in India, has property in goa and has OCI. This
does give him political rights even if he is not allowed to vote because of
vagaries of rules of Indian government. Manmohan singh has publicly promised
>to change this before 2014.
You are confusing between an Indian citizen NRI and a foreign citizen.

>It is therefore pointless for you to divert attention from the sterling work
that Rajan has done with a documentary that he produced without any
>government grant and also his successful PIL.
I am not diverting attention from here, but I stand by my point that a US
citizen, Rajan has not political rights.

>3) The point about the Anil Desai conversation which again Jose
harps on again and again. The conversation is there in the archives
for anyone to say. Anil attacked my father's credentials and
he was promptly responded to.

Response: I do not know your father and I have not attacked your father's
credentials. I did raise the point about MARG. You accepted that  it has
just appointed the Chief Minister of goa government as an office bearer.
This makes MARG a unique NGO. You also accepted that this NGO has received
>hundreds of thousands of rupees from goa government. Goa has one of the
highest mortality from road traffic accidents and these figures have largely
remained high. So, it would be nice to know what credible change this
organisation has brought to road safety in goa. When I asked about grants,
you pointed me to a website that gives very little info on expenses. So,
>your response left a lot to be desired.

I did not point to any website; I asked you to mail to my father
You dont seem to be reading my posts well. As to results,
1) the accident numbers have decreased.
2) It is not an easy process and a very tough challenge. Someone has to do the
hard work. You are not doing it,my father is doing single handedly at such ripe 
Digambar Kamat has been appointed because my father is now past 80 and he
wants the work to continue. If you come and are ready to take the challenge 
than raking in money there and throwing crumbs to Goa, you are welcome.

>Anil Desai

>PS: For the purpose of this post on this forum, I am a saffronite. I might
even have have been trained to hate catholics during my early years although
>I do not have clear recollection of this.

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