Mogall Anton,

If this system was shunned by our deshis at the first time it appeared in public. This incident would never have taken place, how can you beat up a person so badly for asking for his change back. So in future if you are owed change by the shopkeeper in Goa or India just walk away and be thankful that he let you go without harming you. As for law in Goa you can whistle till the cows come home if you think you can get any justice in Goa, corruption is rife from ministers down to the lowest peons. All my sympathies go to the poor South Korean for choosing Goa as a holiday destination
how he must regret it.

From: tonymartin66
Amghe Inas ani Amghe Gabru

Poor South Korean is at the GMC fighting to live for standing up to his rightful due while one inas is trying to flaunt his UK connection and Gabru is trying to make an exhibition of his knowledge and his travel escapades.

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