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To Goanet -

Alfred de Tavares wrote:
> I can unequivocally attest to Gurunath Kelekar's near-ascetic frugality and
> very principled ways of life.
> Not only from the little that I have known him but from friends who have
> known him in depth, viz Shanker Bandhari, Alvaro Pereira, the late Anastasio 
> Almeida and a few others.
> I do not have the least doubt that any funds entrusted him for a purpose 
> will only punctuliously be disimbursed towards that purpose to the best of
> his considerable discernity.

So who is going to give YOU a character certificate?  There are
character certificates issued all the time in Goa - Digu will have a 
whole room full of them.  Daya Narvekar also has reams of 
certificates attesting to his probity.  So does Churchill-bab.

Any NGO or organization that receives PUBLIC FUNDS must be
called to account publicly, for everything - the monies it receives,
the services it has delivered, and so on.  It is entirely appropriate -
indeed it is their duty as responsible citizens - for members of 
the tax-paying public to ask critical questions of an organization
that has received public funding and that has a current head of
the government, known for being utterly venal, on its leadership

If MARG had been funded from private sources, then yes, it would
be accountable to no one except its private sponsors.  As it stands,
MARG is publicly funded, and it is entirely apposite to publicly call 
into question its antecedents and performance.  Note that nobody
here on Goanet has (yet) made any allegations of personal 
wrongdoing on the part of the MARG founder.  Also, all the talk
about asceticism etc is irrelevant.  I couldn't care less how a 
person lives his private life so long as (and if) he or she is a 
force for public good.



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