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-----Original Message-----
From: Samir Kelekar

> Recently, MARG produced a 45 minute konkani feature film which
> was directed by Dnyanesh Moghe, an acclaimed director. The
> film titled 'RACE' is about how young college students fall
> for the latest mobikes and get into racing their mobikes.

RESPONSE: In its objective to reach the most (young) people, perhaps MARG should upload the movie on YouTube and use social media - Facebook, Twitter to connect with the masses.

The message has to be literally 'hammered' home. Having said that consider the transient population and their vehicles. Those recorded accidents and road fatalities are certainly not all Goans or caused by Goans everytime. So MARG's target audience is not identifiable.

MARG cannot be credited or criticized for these variables that are beyond their control.

> The problem of roads is complex. We need more enforcement of
> discipline and fines to violators. Just education is not enough.

RESPONSE: Only the Traffic Police doing their own job can influence these variables.

> Secondly, we need more public transportation.

RESPONSE: Whaaaa??? Did you see Frederick pining for those pathogen spewing buses when I mentioned SkyBus. Notwithstanding the anti-mining lobby in Goa, some still are in love in Goa's buses.

Finally, dont take criticism of MARG personally. MARG's performance cannot be measured with the present data. But the work must be done. Accountability? That's a different topic.

-----Original Message-----
From: Frederick Noronha

> Does it naturally follow that Bajaj ceasing production would mean more
> four-wheelers? Whatever happened to the much-hyped Nano?

RESPONSE: NEWS-FLASH: The Nano has four-wheels!!

- B

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